Now, perhaps more than ever, a sensible approach to pricing is imperative in today's difficult market. With more restrictions on appraisers keeping a tight rein on their work, it is important that both buyers and sellers are reasonable in their expectations.
Some weeks back I received a phone call from a gentleman whose home was currently listed by a friend (not always the best situation, in my opinion.) "Why," he wondered, "is my house not selling?" A quick search revealed the truth. His home was a plain Jane, builder-basic Formica and vinyl house in a large sub-division. There were many other homes with updated kitchens, granite counter-tops and top quality flooring on the market. He was asking $269,000 even though a near neighbor with a much nicer home was listed at $249,000. The only fix was to lower the price to a point where a potential buyer could perform the upgrades and be rewarded financially for doing so. He thanked me and I noted that a week later he had reduced the price. To $264,000! Clearly, he did not get it and his friend was not helping him. A month later, however, I noted that he had lowered it to $225,000 and now it was in escrow. A bit of a slow learner, but he got it in the end. You're welcome.
In a similar vein I got to talking real estate with a gentleman whilst on a hike recently, after he discovered I was a licensee. We were discussing recent sales on a particular street, one of which I participated in, at prices that were close to one million dollars. He opined that to him they were only "worth" half a million. To back it up he trotted out the old saw that something is only worth what someone will pay for it. Sure, except that people were paying those prices in many cases. I tried to explain that more accurately something is worth what the "market" would pay for it, not what a misguided individual my want to pay for it. It all fell on deaf ears. He then went on to say he thought that it was a good time to build his own home (???). However, he was having trouble, even in this down-economy, finding a contractor willing to discount his services enough to satisfy his needs. I wonder why.
Ultimately, I walked away and, unusually for me, decided not to offer him my business card. I have worked with difficult folks in the past, but as Ron White memorably stated, "You can't fix stupid!"