
Trying to find buyers for investment porperties in Kansas City, MO

Real Estate Agent with Great Lakes Real Estate & Affordable Remodeling & Constr.

I have had a hard time finding investors that want to purchase rehabbed homes in the Kansas City market. Kansas City is great market to be in. We are going through a downtown revitalization with a entertainment district and it is known as the "city of fountains". There is so much money to be made it's insane. I just need to find the buyers. If anyone knows where I can post these properties please HELP!!! 

I have a system in place and it's as follows: I find the properties, I have a contractor that rehabs them (better than most), I find a renter and try to sell them. If it's a section 8 renter than my contractor will also be your maintanance man. And, not for a monthly fee. It would be a trip charge of  $35 and materials with your approval.

Please Help,

