It's beautiful here in in San Diego where I am attending the business meetings for our state association. This year I serve as the Region 19 chair, one of the remaining duties left over from being the Santa Clara County Association of REALTORS president in 2009.
I fully enjoy participating in the meetings with my fellow state directors, there is just a huge advantage to being able to interact with REALTORS from across the state and share what each of us is experiencing in our markets. There is so much value in gaining those perspectives, contrasting and comparing each of our market places and learning what everyone is doing, that the week away from my hometown is well worth it.
Having dinner last night with 3 of the directors from my region, discussing what is important about organized real estate really gets me thinking. We were talking about leadership, and the need to cultivate new leaders and our responsibility to do so, I was completely touched by what occurred.
It's vital that those of us who participate in our local, state and national boards, share these experiences, encourage our fellow REALTOR members to get involved, not just "DO" real estate but be involved in the world of real estate. Become a part of the decisions that shape our industry, be a part of the solutions to the problems facing our industry and be pro active, create change and embrace the value that each of us brings to our business.....
Ok, lastly, ask a felllow REALTOR to get involved, I would venture to say that all of us serving our members were asked to get involved, don't stop asking!!!!