While summer is generally known as the peak season for home sales activity, the winter can also offer great advantages for sellers - such as less competition from other sellers. With a little effort, you can use the season to your home-selling advantage.
Let's put these ideas to work, so your home shows at its best.
Keep snow and ice at bay. If the buyer can't get in easily, the house won't sell. That means keeping walkways and driveways free of the frozen stuff. You want to make the home look well maintained.
Warm it up. Think warm, cozy, and homey. Before a buyer comes through, adjust the thermostat to a warmer temperature to make it welcoming. If you have a fireplace, turning it on right before the tour can create a more welcoming ambience.
Emphasize winter positives. Is your home on a bus route or some other vital service that means it's plowed or de-iced regularly in bad weather? Be sure to mention that to the buyers.
Make it festive. Even if you're not actually going to be present, greet your buyers as if they were going to be guests at a party. Set up the dinner table with the good china and silver. Have a plate of cookies for your guests, some warm cider, or even chilled bottles of water.
Use the season to your advantage.
Even though the holidays are over, you can still use winter wreaths and dried arrangements around the door to spark interest. In the winter, with the leaves off the trees, you might also have a nice view that isn't as apparent in the spring and summer months.
To find the value of your home, visit: http://www.davidjedwards.com/free-home-evaluation.asp
To search the MLS database of other homes for sale, visit: http://www.davidjedwards.com/search-for-homes.asp