
Key to success?

Mortgage and Lending with Tennessee Valley Home Loans

Ok, so here I am again asking for advice. 

But I'm new what can I say.  Ok, here goes.  To all you experienced mortgage broker's, what would you say was the single most important thing to do as a newbie? 

And what would you say is the single most important thing that you do now as a seasoned loan officer? 

I love Tutas & he is my inspiration because from him I learned that if you just keep on keeping on in a consistent way you WILL be successful, but I just wanted to hear from other loan officer's who are actually making a living at this business, especially in these times.

Ok thanks for any responses!

Danny Thornton
R & D Art - Knoxville, TN
WordPress Guru
Marketing is the answer to both of those for me. Without marketing, you are lost.
Sep 19, 2007 06:49 AM
Candi Kinney
Tennessee Valley Home Loans - Tullahoma, TN

Daniel:  So what type of marketing do you find works best? 

Since I'm new I have been visiting my offices weekly, but I feel like if I'm not bringing them anything then I'm just kind of stalking the Realtors.  What do you say on those visits?

Sep 20, 2007 06:19 AM
Danny Thornton
R & D Art - Knoxville, TN
WordPress Guru
Cindi, for me, it has been teh number of years doing this I guess and I martket me more than the products. I would say it is little things like a $50 raffle prize or attending realtor functions that gets your name out there. Close one niche deal and they will start feeding you. The one thing that I will tell you is do not make it seem that you are begging to get their business. I always tell my realtors that I am never to busy to work on a referral from you. Last thing I will tell you is be creative, make flyers and distribute them to your realtors. Put your name in front of them daily. 
Sep 20, 2007 06:40 AM

Thanks sounds great. 

I have been trying to visit offices weekly it's just sometimes I feel like I'm just kind of showing up going "It's me again!".  But I have found that once I go to an office (I do a presentation in order to introduce myself) then I find some Realtors that I click with & when I go to the offices I try to target those particular Realtors.

I guess I'll just have to keep on keeping on.


Sep 21, 2007 03:35 AM
Danny Thornton
R & D Art - Knoxville, TN
WordPress Guru
Candi, that is the key element. I would also look for realtors in that office that are new as they have yet to form a relationship with anyone and maybe you can become their mortgage lender. Use this when talking to people; "If you have a friend, family member, or aquaintance that need a mortgage, do you have any that you would refer them to? If not, can I be that person?" You will be suprised how often that will get you business.
Sep 21, 2007 03:47 AM
Tom Engelhardt
First Choice Mortgage - Ocala, FL
NETWORK!!!! It carries you through the slow times.
Sep 21, 2007 03:48 AM