
11% of US Houses are EMPTY! 18.4 MILLION HOMES

Property Manager with Gibson Management Group, Ltd.

11% of US Houses are EMPTY! 18.4 MILLION Homes!

.....and the 10 US Cities where


10. Boston, Mass.

9. San Francisco, Calif.

8. San Diego, Calif.

7. Portland, Ore.

6. Kansas City, Mo.

5. Sacramento, Calif.

4. Omaha, Neb.

3. Fort Worth, Texas

2. Seattle, Wash.

1. New York, N.Y.

Rental prospects do not understand why rental rates are RISING!


"Younger Americans have seen what home ownership has done to their friends and families, and many want no part of it. Credit has become very nearly elitist. Home prices, whatever your particular data provider preference might be, are still falling." 

Diana Olick * CNBC Reporter

Posted by

Wallace S. Gibson is a Certified Property Manager with over 50 years of property management experience and expertise.  She maintains a specialized property management business in Central Virginia serving Albemarle, Greene, Fluvanna and Louisa counties  


View our available Charlottesville, Albemarle and Lake Monticello rental homes online with photos and floor plans

" be a Virginian, either by Birth, Marriage, Adoption, or even on one's Mother's side, is an Introduction to any State in the Union, a Passport to any Foreign Country, and a Benediction from the Almighty God...." Anonymous



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Scott Godzyk
Godzyk Real Estate Services - Manchester, NH
One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents

That is what i wondered... where did everyone go?

Jan 31, 2011 12:14 PM
Nancy Fraser
Exit Realty Premier - Massapequa Park, NY
Realtor, Massapequa Homes for Sale 516-729-0278

This is amazing Wallace and I believe rentals will rise even higher as the demand gets greater.

Jan 31, 2011 12:17 PM
Michelle Francis
Tim Francis Realty LLC - Atlanta, GA
Realtor, Buckhead Atlanta Homes for Sale & Lease


It's going to be busy in the executive leasing market here for us for years to come, if not for the next decade.  

It is a fabulous opportunity for investors, as lease prices are holding strong and suspected to rise. 

All the best, Michelle

Jan 31, 2011 03:04 PM
Wallace S. Gibson, CPM
Gibson Management Group, Ltd. - Charlottesville, VA

Property management has been VERY, VERY good to me for several decades!

Jan 31, 2011 10:30 PM
Wallace S. Gibson, CPM
Gibson Management Group, Ltd. - Charlottesville, VA

I suspect this # does NOT include the hundreds of thousands of homes slated for demolition

Jan 31, 2011 10:42 PM
Claude Cross
Homes By Cross, Inc. - Charlotte, NC
Charlotte NC Homes For Sale

There may be a line drawn soon. If interest rates rise, so will rental rates. Can't have milk without the cow

Feb 02, 2011 02:18 PM
Michael J. Perry
Fathom Realty - Lancaster, PA
Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist

Shocking blog post ! Rates are going to rise and who knows we could be the next Egypt ???????

Feb 16, 2011 09:50 PM