What a week, we have had the worst weather in the Dallas-Fort Worth area that I can remember.
But, I didn't let my week go to waste. I found opportunities to contact my Sphere of Influence,
past clients, set up email campaigns, mail campaigns, and basically get alot of things going
that I just didn't have time to do before. I would be willing to bet that the majority of us, would
have just sat around watching T.V., and complain about the weather not letting us get any
work done, including myself, until the light came on. Remember, the bible says that a man reaps
what he sews, and if you don't sew anything, well, that's what you will reap. Not so very long ago, I was
looking for excuses not to do what it takes to be successful. Then literally one day, the light came
on, and I have been taking the actions to bring on new clients, and re-ignite the fire under the old
clients. Guess what, since the beginning of the year, I have been extremely busy. The reality of realty, is
you must now be proactive, and get busy, or get out. Don't blame the market, don't blame the credit
crunch, if you must blame anyone for slow sales, blame yourself. Do those just-sold calls, call the
expired, past clients, ask for referrals, pass out your card to everyone you meet. If you want to see a
return to the old good days, then it is up to us, the Realtor community, to bring it back. Let's get
hopping, and have a great year.