Watching the halftime show of the superbowl yesterday made me ask the question, "Do you know your audience?" Here I was watching The Black Eyed Peas perform songs that I generally like in front of an audience of about 110 million other people across the globe and all I am thinking is "why are they here again?"
There is no denying that their songs are catchy but aren't they better suited for the radio? I don't know about you but when I watch the halftime show I want to see live talent not someone manipulating an electronic voice to songs that someone else created 20 years ago. Is it just me? It got me thinking about this huge corporation known as the NFL and wondering if they knew their audience and how this performance would come off.
Now I know that everyone has gotten used to me writing about real estate only so I will add a real estate connection here to bring it all together. Do you know your audience? Do you understand that the way you dress, act and talk everyday may be great for some portion of your potential audience but not for others? The greatest real estate professionals among us are just that because of their ability to be chameleon like in their approach. A suit and tie one day could be perceived as professional to one client and the next day to a different potential client could come off as slick. Your awareness of this can only help you to get closer to where you want to be professionally. Just a little food for thought...
What do you think. Did the halftime show stink or was it just me?