When people look for a person with Honor and Inegrity, does your name have value? We focus so much on closing the deal that we forget sometimes forget that value of your service is ultimately connected to your name. If you name has no value, can you really say that you give the very best service. It's not always the amount of money that you make, often times, it is the amount of courteous customer service that you render in you endeavors.
Isn't amazing that when people go to get pre-qualified that the mortgage company or bank is concerned with the value of the clients name. We can easily say that is the amount of credit to debt ratio but really, doesn't all that speak on the credibilty of your name? You can have $100k in the bank but if your name does not have value then you really don't have anything.
Our challenge for this season is to have value in our name so that we can people of Integrity and Honor. The question is not can you, but will you make efforts to place value in your name and in this profession. No matter what you are connected to, you name has to have value!