
Does Your Name Have Value?

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Realty Central Delaware

When people look for a person with Honor and Inegrity, does your name have value?  We focus so much on closing the deal that we forget sometimes forget that value of your service is ultimately connected to your name.  If you name has no value, can you really say that you give the very best service.  It's not always the amount of money that you make, often times, it is the amount of courteous customer service that you render in you endeavors. 

Isn't amazing that when people go to get pre-qualified that the mortgage company or bank is concerned with the value of the clients name.  We can easily say that is the amount of credit to debt ratio but really, doesn't all that speak on the credibilty of your name?  You can have $100k in the bank but if your name does not have value then you really don't have anything.

Our challenge for this season is to have value in our name so that we can people of Integrity and Honor.  The question is not can you, but will you make efforts to place value in your name and in this profession.  No matter what you are connected to, you name has to have value!

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Dan Forbes
Bradenton, FL

Being able to look in the mirror and like what you see is so important.  One problem I see is that real estate agents seem to like the words "honesty" and "integrity" a little too much.  Think about how many time you've seen those words in their ads.

Not that it's not important.  It is certainly important. However to advertise that you have "integrity" seems counterproductive.

Thanks for reminding us about the importance of our name.

Sep 21, 2007 10:54 AM
Chris and Maria Jeantet
Shasta Living Real Estate - Redding, CA
Top Realtors in Redding CA

Mason - we agree 100% w/your post.  Consumers today expect more than just good customer service, they want to trust you!  They expect the truth, prompt communication and someone who is truly looking after their best interest.  That's integrity right there.  LIke Dan said, many realtors use these two words all too often but performing them is a whole different story.  It is precisely why at times we choose not to do business with certain clients, our reputation is too valuable and if a seller refuses to take our suggestions and advice and is stuck on some fantasy land about the value of their property, we just refuse the listing, we can't help, what value would that bring to the client or to us? 

Sep 21, 2007 11:13 AM
John Thomas
Primary Residential Mortgage Inc. - Newark, DE
First Time Home Buyer Expert

Great Post Mason, I always try to market myself so that people remember me more than my company or anything else.  I work for a great company, but I want people to know that it was me that provided the great service.  I see we are in the same state.  Check out my website

John Thomas - Citizens Lending Group

Sep 21, 2007 11:51 AM
Hugh Krone
Weichert Referral Associates - Hamburg, NJ
Realtor, Sussex County NJ
 I had a client call me because she said she heard that i was honest.  That means more to me than any commission
Sep 21, 2007 02:04 PM
Gary White~Grand Rapids Home Selling Pro Call: 616-821-9375
Flexit Realty "Flexible Home Selling Solutions" - Grand Rapids, MI
Real Estate Services You can Trust!

Mason, Thanks for this great post and reminder.  I totally agree.



Sep 28, 2007 08:11 AM
Allen C. Wright
RealtyU - Aliso Viejo, CA
Branding is one of the very first things that a successful business does ... look at Coke, McDonalds etc ... in real estate, you are your brand. 
Sep 28, 2007 08:14 AM