Now those that know me KNOW that I love to sing. Mainly Country Music but I have been known to sing some other tunes much to my daughter's chagrin. There are many songs out there that tell stories that we can all relate to and others that can easily identify a particular mood you might be in.
As I was doing my nightly blog reading this evening I stumbled upon a rather effective marketing blog geared toward home owner's who might be looking for a listing agent. While I agree with with much of what the author had to offer, I did had my reservations so I decided not to respond on the agent's post (agian - geared toward prospective clients and not other Realtors). Instead, the blog post immediately brought a song to my mind (and my lips!).
The context of the blog post can be summarized as away with the old ideas and in with the new. The use of technology and the audience reached via the World Wide Web in the author's opinion are the way to go. Gone are the days of paper fliers, signage and open houses. Why? Simple in the author's mind - you reach your target audience through the Internet and are simply wasting time and resources with anything else (my read on it).
Now, I COMPLETELY AGREE with the power of the Internet and the ABSOLUTE NEED to market listings on the Internet - the more sites you can get your listings on - the better in my opinion. I credit much of our success in the Clarksville TN Real Estate Market with our blogging here on Active Rain as well as our social networking on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. The impact is obvious and I am sure that many who read this will agree, as well as our current and past clients.
But....there is still a place of the paper fliers, signage and open houses folks. I do not and will not subscribe to the notion that these are a waste of time and resources. Realtors pay good money for mentors and coaches who preach that you should not do any of this - the reason: If there is no information available at the property prospective buyers will call you! Let me ask you - how's that working out folks? Surely prospective buyers who are interested in the property are going to call, but is it about attracting new clients or representing the clients that you have (AKA the homeowner who trusts you to sell their home). My take is the latter but ultimately both can be achieved - the point is that your primary focus is the owner's of the listed property.
Oh - I almost forgot - back to the song I am singing. This topic got my mind filled with a Bellamy Brothers tune (and no it is not Redneck Girl!). Ever heard the song 'He's and Old Hippie'? This is a great song and certainly pertains to the topic at hand - you need not to go any further than this line: He's an old hippie and he don't know what to do. Should he hang on to the old, should he grab on to the new?
My answer to that line when it comes to Real Estate: Use what is most effective in order to produce results! A combination of the old and new techniques will work wonders folks! Please PLEASE don't send me your money - I am not a coach - just a simple fellow with a common sense approach to Real Estate. Advice is free and as always - yours to use or discard as you see fit.
In the end, as long as you are doing your absolute best to represent your clients, whether sellers or buyers that is all that counts. Go the extra mile, treat them with courtesy, honesty and respect and above all communicate often. Folks will appreciate this more than you can imagine and you will not only have satisfied clients but also life long friends. Get er done!