
Success Quote of the day

Home Inspector with Greens Home Design L.L.C. AZBTR #49380

Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow. Ronald E. Osborn

Building science is constantly changing.  New technologies come into the marketplace everyday.  Government agencies reularly change their mind on how to interpret the building codes created by the ICC.  It is human nature to wait for something or someone else force us to learn something new in order to do our jobs.  How much better could we be at our jobs if we continally research new things.  I regularly take continuing education classes beyond what NACHI requires.  I devote time every day to learning something new about the science of building buildings.

For all your Arizona House Plans and Phoenix Home Inspection needs contact me.


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Lauren Stevens
MySmartBlog - Goodyear, AZ


Hi Loren, thanks for sharing this information. I admire your devotion on your job.

Do you use blog marketing a lot in your business?

Thanks again,

Lauren Stevens

Feb 11, 2011 05:15 AM