
Avoid foreclosure with a short sale in Springfield, Republic, Clever and Billings, Missouri

Real Estate Agent

Avoid foreclosure with a short sale in Springfield, Republic, Clever and Billings, Missouri.  If you bought or "cash out" refinanced your home at the top of the Springfield market you probably owe more than the value of your property.  If making the payments is getting more difficult or you have already fallen behind, what can you do?  Don't despair!  There may be a way out of your dilemma.  You may qualify for a short sale.

cloud to ground lighteningDO YOU QUALIFY FOR A SHORT SALE?

 You must prove to your lender one the following situations exist:

  • Your monthly expenses exceed your monthly income;
  • You are experiencing a financial hardship;
  • You are about to experience a loss or become insolvent.



  You must be able to verify one of the following hardships exist:

  • Your loan payment has increased;
  • Your taxes or insurance have gone up;
  • You have lost your job;
  • You have been forced to relocate to keep your job;
  • Your income has been reduced, i.e. pay cut or reduced hours;
  • You are a small business owner whose business has failed;
  • You have experienced a severe illness;
  • You have gotten a separation or divorce;
  • Your spouse or a family member has died;
  • You are in the military;
  • You have inherited the property and cannot pay for it;
  • You have been incarcerated; or
  • Your property has been severely damaged.

Couple waiting to be resued from their flooded homeWHY SHOULD I CONSIDER A SHORT SALE?

  • A foreclosure stays on your credit report for up to 10-years.
  • You may not qualify to buy a home for up to 5-years and the interest rate may be higher than the normal rate.
  • A short sale will allow your credit to recover much faster and keep you from having to pay a higher rate when you purchase your next home.


 The lender avoids expensive legal fees by accepting a short sale.

  • A short sale allows the lender to get rid of the property much faster.
  • The lender avoids all the costs of maintaining the home, i.e. taxes, insurance, utilities, maintenance, etc.
  • If you still live in the home the lender does not have to take care of maintenance or be concerned about vandalism.

Happy face smileWHAT DO I NEED TO DO NOW?

Every day you delay your credit get worse and the chances of getting out of this situation go down.  I have experience with this type of sale and I work with a team that includes an attorney and a tax consultant so you can avoid having a deficiency judgment and manage how your taxes will be impacted.  So, call or text me today at 417-224-4330 or send me a message at

 For more information about avoiding foreclosure with a short sale contact me.

Bob Pfeiffer
McBride Kelly & Associates - Tampa, FL

Great post!  By the way, if you know of anyone looking to move to the Sunshine State, refer them to me and I will gladly pay a 30% referral fee on any resulting closed transaction.

Feb 12, 2011 05:23 AM
Maria Couto
RE/MAX Premier - Berkeley Heights, NJ
Realtor with "Results That "MOVE" You'

Rita, you have explained a short sale in a very consumer friendly way. I like this post very much.


I just saw your comment on a post about feedback and though that I should look at your blog. It looks like you shortened your response, but I like what you had to say. Good for you.

Mar 02, 2011 11:16 AM