Special offer

District of Columbia

Mortgage and Lending with Primex Mortgage

District of Columbia has framed separate rules on mortgage loans. For obtaining a mortgage, the credit certificates and income levels are verified by the lenders and the loans are paid according to the requirements of the borrower. After the money is lent, the lender and the borrower follow the strict rules of the deed of trust.

The mortgage loans, after the full pay off should be in accordance with the assignment, fully satisfactory, and acknowledged.  A mortgage loan is thereby lent by the mortgage lender on the deed of trust to the borrower. The borrower should assign, i.e. it should be in a written document and this should be recorded. Then the borrower should demand that the lender issue a written statement about the full details of the loan and the pay off. Then the written document is recorded and duly signed. These documents should have the acknowledgement of the  District of Columbia.  And if the holder of the document fails to record his satisfaction within 30 days, penalty is imposed. The same set of rules is followed for all mortgage loans.

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District of Columbia

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