Many of my clients e-mailed me first thing in the morning asking "How can I access my Facebook Page?" or "Where did my Facebook Page go?" ... or out of habit, "Where is my 'Fan Page'?"...
With the new Facebook Page Upgrade, your Facebook Page can still be accessed through the Account Menu on your Facebook Top Bar. The name simply changed from "Manage Pages" to "Use Facebook as Page".
Now these are not the only changes we are experiencing. I copied the tour for you so you can become familiar with that is coming. It is basically creating consistency between the new Facebook profiles and Facebook Official Pages. That makes the platform more user friendly indeed.
If you don't have a Facebook Page, you MUST create one. It is the absolutely most fantastic way to promote your offering (whether you are promoting products, services, ideas, awareness, etc.)
If you do have one, click on "Use Facebook as Page" and you will be set up to upgrade to the new Facebook Pages and start taking advantage of this great tool. Here's what my alert looked like!
Once you upgrade, these are the changes you will see:
1- Photos will display on the top, just like they do on your profile. I love this feature because most Facebook beginners would not know to click on a Facebook Tab to discover your snapshots. I love pictures!
2- Navigation on the left, just like on any other area of Facebook. Consistency is also sells! Mark Zuckerberg sure knows what he does!
Of course, the "juice" of the matter are your posts. They will be prominently displayed for exposure.
I always recommend that you post on your Facebook page at least once a day. You can do it!
I like that you can access your settings (Edit Page) with much more ease than in the previous style. This is a much more friendly approach to configure your Facebook page!
When you use Facebook as Page now you can have a completely separate experience. This is hands down THE BEST FACEBOOK PAGE UPGRADE EVER! Now you can promote your Facebook Page rather than your personal profile. How's that for exposure?
PS on this! Don't forget your Facebook Insights...what a great value. I love measurable marketing tools!
So skip your preview and simply upgrade! Don't upgrade just one...upgrade all your Facebook Pages. Don't wait to enjoy the fun!
See you on my Facebook Page!