
Mecklenburg County 2011 Tax Revaluation

Real Estate Agent with Charlotte Area Real Estate

 Mecklenburg County 2011 Tax Revaluation

Do you have questions about your current Mecklenburg County Tax Revaluation?  You are not alone!  According tohomes for sale in charlotte NC Mecklenburg tax assessors office, tax rates have increase about 6-8 percent since the last valuation in 2003.  You have 30 days to appeal your property tax value by following a few simple steps.  Make sure that you have proper documentation to back up your request.  It would also be helpful to have information on sold comparable properties in your neighborhood.  Follow the link to Mecklenburg County 2011 Tax Revaluation to better help you understand and answer questions that you may have regarding the Mecklenburg County Tax Revaluation.


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