I have been facilitating a divorce support group for more than 3 years now and I know this can be a difficult day for a person of divorce or for anyone who is feeling alone, as the media, traditions and the culture of this world around us calls us to remember our lover with flowers, candy, etc.
About 5 years ago, as I was browsing the card store for a card for my granddaughter, this card seemed to just jump out at me. It was a Blue Mountain Arts card with a verse from Beth Fagan Quinn. It struck me and I bought it, took it home, thinking I would love to give it to someone ( I had no idea who) one day, because the sentiment was just so neat.
It would up in one of my many stacks of papers of course. And then many months later, as I was cleaning up one of my piles I came upon it. I should say that I generally find myself cleaning up my confused papers when I am feeling frustrated, angry or just plain sad. So here I was feeling alone, and as I read the card, I recognized that it was for me.
I have had this card out on my dresser ever since then. I think of it as a card from the universe, from God, from whatever name I call that "source of life energy" that I trust in. Every few months I pick it up and read it. And here on this Valentine's Day I would like to share its verses:
"You'll Always Have Me to Care About You
No matter what life holds for you, you'll always have me...
No one ever really knows what life has in store, what roads lie ahead, or how things will turn out.
It's kind of scary sometimes, looking ahead and not knowing, but I want you to know that you'll always have me. It doesn't matter where I am or what I'm doing; I will always have time for you.
You are a very special person to me, and you have a place in my heart that will always be there for you. I want you to remember that you will never really be alone, because you'll always have me to care about you."
When I think about it, the card was from me to me - from my inner soul to my worldly self. It is a statement helping me to remember and rejoice in the fact that I am a person of value who is loved. It doesn't need to be from anyone else.
It is when I celebrate my own value, my love and appreciation for being alive and accepting that I love and forgive myself for being just the person I am, that life feels good; really, really good.
When you have a chance one day, stop in a card store, look to see if there is card that jumps out into your hands with a message just for you. Let it be from you and let it help you celebrate your valued place in the universe.
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone, and not just today, Happy Value Yourself Day every day of the year.
May the love, peace, contentment and joy of the universe be with you, Warren
If you are a person of divorce or know someone who is, and would benefit from reading more positive thoughts, please check out my Facebook Divorce Support Page.