
Samuel S Lewis State Park

Real Estate Agent with Prudential Lancaster Real Estate

I had buyers looking at a home this weekend near Sameul S. Lewis State Park just across the Susquehanna River from Lancaster County and just outside of Wrightsville, PA.



I have been here before but I forgot how spectacular the views are.

Located on Mt. Pisgah which is 885 feet above the Susquehanna River, the park encompasses 85 acres of walking and riding trails, picnic grounds, ball fields and a play ground.


I was fortunate to have the view to myself this weekend.










So who was Sameul S. Lewis? Samuel Lewis held several positions with the state of Pennsylvania including that of lieutenant governor and donated 35 acres to the Commonwealth of PA in 1954.There is also an arboretum with several unique trees including European beech, persimmon, concolor fir & English yew.

Oh and did I mention that this park is located within minutes from Cool Creek Golf Club?



Just another place to add to your list of places to see and visit in the Lancaster - York County Area.



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If you would like more information about home sales in Lancater County, PA, please give me a call. I will be happy to help buyers & sellers find or sell their home whether they are first-time home buyers or seniors who are looking to downsize.






Joyce Herr
SRES®, ABR®, e-Pro
Prudential Lancaster Real Estate
100 Foxshire Drive
Lancaster, PA 17601.
(717) 291-9101
(717) 572-4315 (cell).
(717) 393-2336 (fax).

Walt Wensel
Iron Valley Real Estate - York, PA
Blending personal service with today's technology!


 Thanks for reminding us we do live in a beautiful area. Focused on our work, we sometimes forget to enjoy the landscape and surroundings.

Feb 18, 2011 10:36 PM