

Home Stager with SHOW SMART! HOME STAGING & Color Consultant

Don't you just hate it when vanity gets the better of someone, particularly someone you want to reference by looking at their business card.  Have you been to a Broker's Open, collected all the REA's cards, gone home and not been able to match the cards to the people you met? 

I promised myself that would never be me, but sure enough, looking at my new professional photo taken at the 2011 RESA Conference and comparing it with my active rain profile picture of 2006, I think...  all I can say is how time flies when you're having a good time.  How the years do pile onto your, well, my face.

So, taking my own advice I've put up a picture of me now.  Took courage, but I did it. 

Here's the old, er younger, me you might be familiar with from the puddle. 

Can I encourage others to follow suit?  Craig?  I met so many wonderful old and new colleagues at RESA, and I'd like to be able to recognize and follow you here on ActiveRain.  Let's keep it real and current.  We are who we are...WONDERFUL!


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David Burrows
Classic Realty - Fairfax, VA
No Pressure, Just Seriously Devoted to Real Estate

Your picture looks great! Thanks for the reminder that all of us need to do the same. This is especially important when people are meeting us for the first time, perhaps at a house. They need to be able to match up the picture with the person so that they can feel comfortable getting out of the car. Nice Post...

Feb 17, 2011 03:08 AM
Chris Pappas
Prudential Douglas Elliman - Manhasset, NY - Manhasset, NY

I honestly never put my picture on my business card.

I understand it a little more "personal", but to me, it was never professional.

I think it may have lost its "professionalism" when the photos became glamour shots.

hopefully our "stars" read your post and come back to reality.

Feb 17, 2011 03:08 AM
Malcolm Johnston
Century 21 Lanthorn Real Estate LTD., Trenton, Ontario - Trenton, ON
Trenton Real Estate

I agree, some agents are bad for that. Perhaps its a bit of a vanity thing for them. One local lady has her pictures plastered all over town and she looks to be in her 40's, but when I met her in person, she was at least 60. I was a little surprised.

Feb 17, 2011 03:09 AM
Janice Ankrett
Burlington, ON
Staging Professional

That's why I don't use my photo LOL. I just don't like my photos LOL.

Feb 17, 2011 03:17 AM
Kathy Burke
Sensational Home Staging~~Danville, CA - Danville, CA
S.F. East Bay Home Staging

Totally's a bit hard when I'm meeting a new agent and their picture on their website etc is nothing like who I'm meeting!

Feb 17, 2011 03:30 AM
Nancy Fraser
Exit Realty Premier - Massapequa Park, NY
Realtor, Massapequa Homes for Sale 516-729-0278

Great shot Patricia and very true about updating our business cards.

Feb 17, 2011 03:31 AM
Ginger Foust
Certified Staging Professional - Oakhurst, CA
Home Stager Oakhurst CA, Dream Interior Redesign & Staging

Hi Patricia, love the new photo but also liked the old one and I recognized you right away at the convention.  I know that many people were disappointed with their photo shoot there, but clearly you are photogenic.  I'm with you...Craig is a good looking man (the one we saw at convention) and we need to see him here. 

Feb 17, 2011 10:25 AM
Maureen Bray Portland OR Home Stager ~ Room Solutions Staging
Room Solutions Staging, Portland OR - Portland, OR
"Staging Consultations that Sell Portland Homes"

Hi Patricia ~ I love your new photo -- it looks just like you!  I agree with you that people should have updated profile pics but I don't really like photos on business cards.   (I overcame my camera shyness at the RESA conference too and had a new profile shot done -- but it wasn't easy :-)

Feb 17, 2011 12:39 PM
Richard Strahm
American Foursquare Realty - Lansdale, PA
Lansdale and North Penn Real Estate

They both look good to me!  It's the 15 year old photos that seem silly!

Feb 17, 2011 01:01 PM
Cathy Lee
CL Design Services Home Staging - Danville, CA

Your new photo is beautiful!!! I really love your smile and he truly captured it!!! Great post!

Feb 17, 2011 04:33 PM
Kathy Nielsen - Marietta, GA
Atlanta Georgia Home Stager

You're a beautiful person inside and out, Patricia! And I absolutely LOVE the new profile picture.


Feb 18, 2011 12:35 AM
Patricia Ebrahimi
SHOW SMART! HOME STAGING & Color Consultant - Rockville, MD
Home Staging the Washington DC Area from Rockville MD

David:  Thanks.

Chris, Malcolm:  I agree picture is more personal than professional.

Janice:  Me too, usually.

Kathy: Right.:

Nancy:  Thanks.

Ginger:  Thanks.  Yeah, I knew you right off, too.  Stay in touch. We have a lot in common.

Maureen:  Thanks.  The problem is the pics often look just like me, lol.  No, it wasn't easy though.  Yours looks great too though.

Richard:  Thanks.

Cathy:  Thanks.  My smile has gotten me into much trouble in life, but into a lot of doors, too.


Feb 18, 2011 04:02 AM
Patricia Ebrahimi
SHOW SMART! HOME STAGING & Color Consultant - Rockville, MD
Home Staging the Washington DC Area from Rockville MD

Oh, thank you, Kathy.  What a sweet thing to hear from you, my gracious friend!

Feb 18, 2011 02:26 PM
ERNAL REAL ESTATE GROUP with Samson Properties - Bowie, MD
I don't make promises.I deliver results.SOLD HOMES

Patricia I usually don't put my picture on my business cards. But I might put them on my new cards that I am going to make. Your picture looks nice by the way.

Sep 26, 2011 08:23 PM
Patricia Ebrahimi
SHOW SMART! HOME STAGING & Color Consultant - Rockville, MD
Home Staging the Washington DC Area from Rockville MD

Lanre: Thanks for stoppping by.  There is always conversation about whether to put a picture of yourself on a business card or not.  I don't have one on mine, but I'm selling staging. So, I use a pic of a living room.  Most investors don't use one either, but most REAs do.  I'm just saying, if you use one, make it a recent one or it's useful in identifying you. 

Sep 27, 2011 03:33 AM
Inna Ivchenko
Barcode Properties - Encino, CA
Realtor® • GRI • HAFA • PSC • Short Sale • Probate

I decided not to have my picture on my card anymore. I don't like those awkward moment when after changing my hair cut, or hair color someone looks at me and my card with expression: ''is it really you?'.

I now prefer very simple design but an excellent quality of print and material.

Jun 07, 2014 04:02 PM