
Ready, Fire, Aim...?

Education & Training with ClubWealth®

You might be saying to yourself, "Ready, fire, Aim, that's wrong!", but I can assure you that it is the formula that separates the top producers from the excuse , makers.

Too many agents suffer from "analysis paralysis", and never "Pull the trigger" on great ideas that would help their businesses!

I look at our coaching clients (many of whom are among the top 100 agents in the Nation), and can say that, while this challenge exists at every level, it is the top agents who are the BEST at EXECUTING their ideas/strategies. They are NOT necessarily the best sales people, they simply "DO IT" no matter what. Nothing stands in their way, and they don't agonize over decisions, the simply ACT!

Example, when I give John (name changed to protect the innocent) a homework assignment, he has it done within a couple of days. Often, he has assigned the task to one of his assistants before we even hang up the phone! John is one of our S.H.A.R.P. CEO(tm) one on one coaching clients (our top level of private coaching).

Now take Jane (again, name changed to protect the innocent) who is in one of our entry level coaching programs. Jane always seems to find an excuse as to why she was unable to complete her homework! Not surprisingly, her production reflects her habitual inability to simply FIRE, or in other words, act decisively!

Are you a "Ready, Fire, Aim", or a "Ready, Aim, Fire" individual?


*If you answered "Ready, Fire, Aim", you are probably being coached by someone who has an idea of what it takes to be successful!

Michael Hellickson can be reached by visiting or .

Posted by

Micheal Hellickson

Club Wealth


Justin Ochs
Diamond Ochs Enterprises - Nashville, TN
Real Estate Auctioneer

Well stated Michael.  I agree, sometimes you just have to go with your gut.  Lead, follow or get the bleep out of the way!

Feb 17, 2011 11:37 AM
Michael Hellickson
ClubWealth® - Bonney Lake, WA
Real Estate Speaker, Trainer, Coach

LOL! So true! Nothing worse than an agent who can't make a decision! I always tell my staff I'd rather have them make a decision and be wrong than to fail to make a decision at all!

Feb 17, 2011 11:43 AM
Matt Grohe
RE/MAX Concepts - Des Moines, IA
Serving the metro since 2003

Michael; Analysis paralysis can lead to the death of many an innovative idea for sure. Conditions will never be perfect for anything so you might as well go for it.

Feb 17, 2011 03:50 PM
Michael Hellickson
ClubWealth® - Bonney Lake, WA
Real Estate Speaker, Trainer, Coach

Matt, what do you recommend for people suffering from it?

Feb 18, 2011 06:11 AM