Ready willing and able buyers who can be flexible with a settlement date. If you are thinking of selling your home in Pikesville -21208, 21209, Owings Mills-21117 or Reisterstown 21136...Please call me.
One specific buyer is looking for at least a three bedroom 2 1/2 bath single family home with a driveway. The main feature... move in condition and that means no major repairs.
Do you have a house that you are thinking of selling in Pikesville, Owings Mills or Reisterstown?
For the right house, this young couple could move immediately or within several months.
To are the requirements:
Three or more bedrooms!
At least Two Full baths!
A powder room!
Finished lower level!
Good closet space.
Off street parking.
Central Air.
A fenced lot.
Priced up to $250,000
If you have a house that meets this family's criteria. Please call me: Margaret Rome 410-530-2400.
All calls confidential.
If you have a home that might meet the above criteria, please let me know. (If you have an agent, please have them contact me.) I will be running a print media ad as well as canvassing the requested neighborhoods. The buyers are able to search All Active Maryland Listings in our MLS from my website. This is a partnership to find a home and do it as quickly as possible.
Can You Help Me Find a Home In Baltimore?
Sell Your Home With Margaret Rome