Coming this Friday and Saturday is one of my favorite events at Schweitzer, Outrageous Air. Three big Olympic style jumps, world class skiers and snowboarders hucking themselves, fireworks, a great after party in Taps, and, the event that is near and dear to my heart, kicking off both nights is a Torchlight Parade, of which I have participated in at least the last 5 (getting older my memory only goes back so far!).
Below is a bit of a description of the Torchlight Parade:
It's that time of year again; time to show how North Idaho rules the torchlighting world! After last year's epic failure of Vancouver's Olympic Torchlight event and the subsequent move of the event to Schweitzer, the world is coming to see our incredible display. WIRED Energy Drinks, our sponsor, has once again stepped up to support this fantastic show. Adding to the excitement this year, the world renowned, legendary Volvo Aerial Demonstration Team from the eighties is congregating to witness the greatest display of torchlight athletes ever gathered!! This will truly be an event for the ages!
Starting both nights at 6:30, the WIRED Energy Drink - Outrageous Fire Torchlight Parade Team will be demonstrating truly the finest torchlighting skills ever performed. .
Presented by The Pacific Northwest Inlander and Rock 94.5
The Yokes Outrageous Air Show takes place on the slopes just above Schweitzer Mountain Village. Four-time World Champion Steve Omischi and Olympic Gold Medalist Jean Marc Rozon will be jumping with other members of the Yokes Outrageous Air team. This elite group of professional jumpers will be performing two shows. Both shows start at 6:30 pm with a torchlight parade, followed by the athletes flying off the massive jumps. After the show each night you can meet the performers in the Lakeview Lodge for autographs.
On Friday night after the show is the Fiesta Party sponsored by Corona and Crown Royal.
Saturday night Taps will host the Molson-Captain Morgan Pirate Costume Party so put on your best pirate gaaarb and order up a tankard of cold brew!
Dates: Friday and Saturday night, February 25th and 26th, 2011
Time: 6:30pm
Cost: Free!
So everybody who can should come on up to Schweitzer Mtn Resort this weekend and enjoy the festivites!!