You know the Old Toaster that nice shining metal one, which looks good but good luck at toasting some bread.... Don’t even think about an english muffin, bagel, or waffle... Having to re-toast and burning yourself on the outside metal, and unless your my Father who likes his toast burnt you end up throwing out the toast and starting all over again. And in the long run do we just throw the whole toaster out and find one that can get the job done for us ?
What are we as Realtors and Professionals, how do we treat our clients or potential clients ? Are we the old toaster that can only do one thing and not very well ? And like my Dad who likes his toast burnt are our only clients those with the way over priced houses that wouldn’t sell even in the best of markets ? As the old toaster do we ultimately get thrown to the curb ?
Yes it is important to be that shiny good looking toaster sitting right there on the counter. We all have our photos of our smiling faces plastered all over websites, yard signs, business cards, and billboards. And just a side note some of you and you know who you are you need to update them high school photos - just saying ! Anyways - We look good and we sound good but when it comes time for bread to meet the toaster are we prepared to toast? Do we spend the time to become knowledgeable in short sales, foreclosures, and the many other complex issues that face our industry today, or do we hope the good old days come back ? Do we participate in our local, state and national organizations educational and networking opportunities ? Do we treat our clients in the most professional and ethical manner ? Do we put our clients interest before our own ? Are we prepared with the right tools and the knowledge needed to answer our clients questions completely and truthfully ? I know we have all dealt with that unreasonable client that no matter what we say or do there would be no pleasing them but for the most part if your client sees that you are knowledgeable, communicating to them in a professional way they will not fault you should the goal of the relationship not be met.
Yes be that shiny new toaster on the outside but when called to do your job be prepared to handle the everyday bread, the bagels, the english muffin, and the waffle, toasting it to perfection. People may not always like or agree with your answer but in our profession we are not burning a five cent piece of toast, we are advising on the single largest investment most will every make and that will provide shelter and security for their family in the future. And unfortunately in this economy we are advising those who are losing that shelter and security, we must do so in a knowledgeable, ethical and professional manner so that we can provide a little dignity in a real crappy situation.