
FHA Mortgage Insurance Premium Puyallup WA

Mortgage and Lending with Veterans United Home Loans of Puget Sound NMLS#1907 NMLS 120968

FHA Mortgage Inusurance Premium is scheduled to increase on April 18th.  HUD has announced effective with case numbers assigned on and after April 18, 2011 the Annual Premium will increase by 25 basis points.  There are no changes to the Upfront Mortgage Insurance Premium (UFMIP).



Loans > 15 years

UFMIP= 100 bps

Annual Premium


Through 4/17/2011

On/After 04/18/2011

<  95.00%

85 bps

110 bps

> 95.00%

90 bps

115 bps

Loans < 15 years

UFMIP = 100 bps

Annual Premium


Through 4/17/2011

On/After 04/18/2011

<  90.00%


25 bps

> 90.00%

25 bps

50 bps

 For any questions about FHA Mortgage Insurance Premium, or how to qualify for a FHA home mortgage please contact Trish Cole NMLS 120968 with Community One Financial at or 

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Mark Nehs
Mortgage Loan Officer Waukesha Wisconsin - Pewaukee, WI


Yep FHA premiums going up the same day taxes are due??  It will make a difference not a huge difference but it will add up.

Feb 25, 2011 09:13 AM
Trish Cole
Veterans United Home Loans of Puget Sound NMLS#1907 - Puyallup, WA

I hear what you are saying Mark.  Every little bit makes a difference in this market, especially if you have buyers waiting on short sales.

Feb 25, 2011 09:16 AM
Brett Reichel
Homebridge Financial Services - Rancho Cucamonga, CA
MLO 210215

Nice post Trish. 


Mar 26, 2011 06:57 PM