Menifee real estate statistics: "Active Listing" and "Sold" data for single-family homes in Menifee CA. The following details came directly from the Riverside County MLS on February 19, 2011:
- There are 81 homes for sale within the Menifee Union School District.
- The average listing price for a Menifee home today is $248,784.
- The lowest priced Menifee home for sale is listed for only $129,000.
- The highest priced Menifee home for sale is listed at $2,295,000.
- The average days on market for all Active listings is 73 days.
- From January 1 2011 through Feb 19 2011 there have been 33 homes sold in Menifee.
- The average days on market for those 33 homes sold was 94 days.
- The average sales price for Menifee homes sold in that period was $202,764.
- The lowest priced Menifee home sale was for $84,000.
- The highest priced Menifee home sale was for $314,000.
If you are interested in viewing available homes for sale in the Menifee Union School District and learning more about the community, be sure to visit our Menifee Homes for Sale