So tomorrow I will be having another open house on one of my new listings. I have found 5 things that make my open houses full of traffic and worth everyones time. Here they go:
1. Contact many local brokers that you do business with. As them to stop by and let them know you will come to their open house the next time they have one!!
2. Make sure the weather is going to be perfect. No one gets out on rainy cold days!
3. Signage!! This is key because even if you advertise and contact buyers they will forget i promise so place your signs out at least 2 days before or early morning of the open house.
4. Have all parties sign in and fill out their contact information. If they are looking they are going to buy at some point!!
5. Last: Having the neighbors stop by is very important as they want to see how you do business and if they sell they will consider you when they list their home. Make sure you let them all know the morning of the open house to stop by!!
Please post your thoughts on this. This works I promise!!!
Bryan Moore
Bryan Moore Realty Group
Raleigh NC 27609
919 291 5704