Stefan Swanepoel’s new book…
By now most, if not all Active Rain’s members, have heard about Stefan’s exciting new book, “Surviving Your Serengeti: 7 Skills to Master Business and Life” due to be published in hard back on March 1st, 2011. Available at Amazon for a mere $12.64. Kindle edition for $9.89.
As it happens I have already finished reading the entire book via my Amazon Kindle, an invaluable piece of hardware/software that puts any book I buy via Amazon Kindle on all my various hardware, including the Kindle itself, my Droid2 smartphone, both PC’s, my laptop and my Samsung Galaxy Tab. I can’t be without the book.
Stefan usually writes immense in size Real Estate Trend Reports, all well written and worthwhile, but this new book, while instructional for sure, is also informative and a lot of fun to read.
I recommend it to each and every one of the Active Rain members, friends, relatives, co-workers, etc. You get the idea. It’s a really good book.
And take the quiz. Take it BEFORE you read the book. And then take it again AFTER you read the book. See if you still get the same result.
If I can ever provide more information about Tucson AZ real estate and surrounding areas, the housing market, or otherwise assist you, friends or family in a home search, please contact me by phone or text at (520) 850-5995, call me toll free at (800) 557-9798 or email me at
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Jon Quist is Tucson’s Buyers Only Agent