In todays day in times who would not agree with the fact that buying below replacement cost right now is NOT a good investment. NOT ME.
To buy now is to buy for less than what it would cost to build brand new. The prices are low and properties are selling. Renting is not going to get you ahead it will make someone else reap the benefits not you. If you think you can't own you could be wrong. I have helped many people get on the right track to homeowner-ship. Some just need to know what is actually on their credit report. Not knowing and assuming is the biggest mistake people make. Fixing the errors and working on debt to income ratios is a process that can be won !
Many don't realize the programs that are out there to help people still get into homes. I have some of the best lenders in the industry working with many of my clients who thought they could not own. Don't be one of the ones who just gives up. Owning a home is a right everyone has. Sometimes it takes work but in the end you will reap the benefits and pleasures of home ownership.
If this is something you would like to know more about contact me I know I can help point you in the right direction.
Read more here.