A little less than a year ago I wrote a series of posts on activerain trying to raise awareness (admittedly somewhat aggressively) about the emergence of Facebook and the Social Web and the erosion of a Google dominated SEO strategy for real estate marketing.
These posts generated a fair amount of dialogue (some violently opposed to my thinking) and I'm curious what folks think about this today?
"Get ready to care more about Edgerank than SEO" - This is the one that touched it off last May. My basic premise:
- SEO as a marketing strategy for Real Estate is dying
- Edgerank (and really Facebook) matters and the way to think about it is Engagement
- Edgerank optimization is easier for REALTORS than SEO
I still stand by all these thoughts with three nuances...
a) Google is hard at work re-doing their algorithm to incorporate Social and use it as a better proxy for quality as well as indexing more unique content from the social graph. This makes me think the post I'd write today would be more about SEO "as we know it" dying. But generally I believe the same thing - the effort that generates return will be on creating engagement through the social network...way more than unique, static content and link generation
b) I'd raise the prominence of Twitter in the discussion
c) I'm starting to think a lot of blogging as a very good strategy for creating the root of engagement (so unique, insightful content on your blog that you use to generate engagement in the Social networks). This is something I think I undervalued/missed before
But I don't think I'd change the underlying thinking. IMO - bottom line, generating engagement through FB (and Twitter) has only become more critical and working SEO has become less.
And for sure I wonder if those SEO consultants who pooh pooh'ed my position on the importance of Facebook would still do so today...
What do you think? Still agree/disagree?