
I need a make over!! Will I ever be able to go paperless?

Title Insurance with Key Title Corporation 63078

I have been unwell for the last several weeks with the Swine Flu. 

I am finally back at work and I feel so much better and I do want to thank all of you who took a moment out of your busy days to wish me well.

Being out of the office and truly not working has wreaked havoc on my desk!!  I am sitting here now at my desk which is usually pretty tidy and I am OVERWHELMED.  There is paper everywhere, I don't know what all this paper is but I do know that I don't feel like dealing with it     -:)

Mail has piled up, titles for review are stacked high and miscellaneous paper from faxes, e-mails, etc. are lying in an unruly pile awaiting my perusal and decision making. 

My desk needs a make-over.  I need at least a whole day just to try to cull this mess so that I can figure out just what the heck all this paper is.   

I remember some years back when our industry tried, in vain, to go paperless.  I just don't see that happening any time soon and if my desk is any indicator, it will never happen!!

Wish me luck.  Tomorrow I will dedicate the entire day to cleaning this mess up and trying to figure out what all this paper represents. 

Posted by

Charlene Perry
Key Title, Inc. 
35 Fulford Avenue
Bel Air, MD 20104

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Sophia Lin
Intero Real Estate Services - Sunnyvale, CA
Sunnyvale CA Real Estate Specialist

First off, glad to hear your feeling better, secondly I am a recycle queen and have yet to see paper and other recyclables be appropriately recycled.

Mar 02, 2011 08:29 AM
Rob D. Shepherd
RETIRED - Florence, OR

Get a shredder, you can totally clean that desk off in no time!

Mar 02, 2011 09:18 AM
Key Title Corporation - Perry Hall, MD
Insuring the Past to Protect Your Future

Sophia, thank you for your kind words.  My husband is the recycle KING. 

Rob, in keeping with Sophia's recycle, shredding is a grand idea!!  If I could just figure out whether or not I need this stuff in the future.  A title file is full of paper as you know.  And no doubt, as soon as I shred that one piece of miscellaneous paper, that's exactly when I will need it!!


Mar 03, 2011 04:39 AM