I have been unwell for the last several weeks with the Swine Flu.
I am finally back at work and I feel so much better and I do want to thank all of you who took a moment out of your busy days to wish me well.
Being out of the office and truly not working has wreaked havoc on my desk!! I am sitting here now at my desk which is usually pretty tidy and I am OVERWHELMED. There is paper everywhere, I don't know what all this paper is but I do know that I don't feel like dealing with it -:)
Mail has piled up, titles for review are stacked high and miscellaneous paper from faxes, e-mails, etc. are lying in an unruly pile awaiting my perusal and decision making.
My desk needs a make-over. I need at least a whole day just to try to cull this mess so that I can figure out just what the heck all this paper is.
I remember some years back when our industry tried, in vain, to go paperless. I just don't see that happening any time soon and if my desk is any indicator, it will never happen!!
Wish me luck. Tomorrow I will dedicate the entire day to cleaning this mess up and trying to figure out what all this paper represents.