
Staying in touch!

Mortgage and Lending with Fairway Independent Mortgage

I came across a good idea and wanted to share and see if anyone already does this.  You will probably tell me - that is so last decade and not worth the time.....but I thought this was neat and different.

If you are looking for inexpensive ways to keep in touch with your database - closing gifts, or just be in front of clients and friends - consider a Magazine Subcription. This site has some great magazines for discounted prices and if you do more at a time the price is less. Great thing is your info goes out with each magazine!

What other ways are you staying in touch with your database that are low expense but higher impact?


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Take care,

Ken Land

Senior Mortgage Planner

704-641-8363 Cell

704-200-2325 Office

8430 Rea Rd Suite E

Charlotte, NC  28277

Apply only at your convenience!

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Robert Rauf
CMG Home Loans - Toms River, NJ

Ken, I have had great success with newsletters and post cards.  I have seen some of the magazine ideas but they are too much money for a large database.

Mar 03, 2011 02:34 AM
Nancy Fraser
Exit Realty Premier - Massapequa Park, NY
Realtor, Massapequa Homes for Sale 516-729-0278

Nice thought Ken, thanks

Mar 03, 2011 02:35 AM