
Make sure your title agent is pulling the COURT FILE just prior to closing. Check out this Show Cause Order

Title Insurance with Key Title Corporation 63078

by CHARLENE PERRY | 2011/03/04 |

JACOB GEESING, et al., *


Plaintiffs *


VS. *


Defendant *

 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT KENT COUNTY, MARYLAND CASE NO. 14-C- ************************************************************************


This Court having received Plaintiff's Affidavit of Deed of Trust Debt dated April

15, 2010 which includes a mathematical error involving a credit in favor of the Defendant

of $12,690.31 which was added to the Defendant's debt, and having before it for

consideration an Order of Ratification and Referral to Auditor, and this Court having

signed on this day a Show Cause Order in the matter of Geesing v.  , 14-C-10-

8272, containing similar irregularities involving the Affidavit of Deed of Trust Debt in

that case, it is this _____________ day of January, 2011 hereby

ORDERED by the Circuit Court for Kent County that Jacob Geesing and Carrie

M. Ward shall Show Cause in writing on or before the twenty-eighth (28th) day of

February, 2011, why this sale should not be voided for the aforegoing irregularities in the

 reporting of the Defendant's debt, and why the said Jacob Geesing and Carrie M. Ward . -

should not be sanctioned in light of said irregularities, and it is further

ORDERED by the Circuit Court for Kent County that a Show Cause hearing shall

be held on the tenth (lOth) day of March, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. provided respondents are

served a copy of this Order on or before the thirty-first (31st) day of January, 2011, and it

is further

ORDERED by the Circuit Court for Kent County that this matter is hereby

STAYED pending the outcome of the aforementioned actions.



 The property associated with this case was to have gone to closing today.  The court has ratified the foreclosure sale, but..

The auditor had the file for review and approval and the auditor discovered discrepencies.  The auditor's report identifies a mathmatical error involving a credit in favor of defendant in the amount of $12,690.31 which credit was added to the Defendant's debt.    The court has now requested a show cause hearing to determine why the sale should not be voided AND why the attorneys involved in this transaction should not be sanctioned.

The firm that filed the foreclosure in this matter is already under scrutiny in our state for their admitted role in robo-signing.  They have been allowed to file thousands of "corrective" (liars) affidavits in foreclosure files statewide.  So far there have not been, at least not to my knowledge, sanctions filed against them, but there is a class action law suit pending. 

And, oh this burns my butt for sure, they are part of the Fannie Mae Retained Attorney Network, just saying.....

Kudos to this court and to the Auditor to whom this file was assigned for discovering this blatent error and calling for a show cause order. 




Posted by

Charlene Perry
Key Title, Inc. 
35 Fulford Avenue
Bel Air, MD 20104

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This does not bode well for my pending contract to purchase which is tied up in the Howard County Court system under review due to Geesing's corrective affidavit filed last year. :(

Mar 09, 2011 01:52 PM
Key Title Corporation - Perry Hall, MD
Insuring the Past to Protect Your Future

Oh my, yeah, you could be delayed!

It's harder and harder every day to get these deals to the table to be sure. 

Mar 10, 2011 03:55 AM

Could be?  We've been under contract since november.  Looks like we might be in the home stretch, although it's looked like that for months so who knows.

Mar 18, 2011 01:03 PM