
Common Sense to Much to Ask For???

Real Estate Agent with Keene Company Realtors

   Of course it is when there is politics to be discussed, but what about real estate? I think one of the reasons I have made several of my last career choices is because I see someone doing something terrible and think "I could do a better job"  Of course this hasn't always made my life easier either.  So in several jobs I feel like there a few things you should do just for the "Cost of Admission".  In retail it's "Greet the damn customer!!!", and in Real Estate I think it should be put picutes with your listings.......

   This started as my brother-in-law was listing their home. It had been on the market for a while when my sister said something to me about how it looked and if I could make any suggestions. Being a newer agent I thought it would be a great oppurtunity to see someone else's work and give feedback.  I pulled up the house which was listed for $480,000.  In their area this was a very expensive price range. But as I had been over for a holiday get together I had already seen the marble counter tops, marble flooring, wrap around stair case to the upstairs and the HUGE open floorplan. I understood why it was so expensive, there were all kinds of things about this house that made it stand out more then any other house in the area.  When I pulled the listing there was 1 photo!?!?!? The front of the house with his truck and trailer sitting in front of the house.  So even this one photo could have been made so much better by getting the truck out of the way. It just cheapened the home so much. I was dumb-founded.  How could someone even think this was ok. It wasn't a limited listing company or anything.  I just thought to myself, i'm new and this is clearly not the way this is supposed to be done. 

   What is the thought process of why people don't put pictures with the listing? Our job is to show the best things about the house to people. Now in some cases I understand that the best thing about the house is the living room and that's the photo you choose to make as the headline.  I completely get it, but when a house is in outstanding condition and has so many eye-opening features, why wouldn't you put photos with it?

   It's like here it is, it's on the market, if you wana look go see it. I'm done......

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures, Can you really ever have to many? And would someone ever tell you, "Hey I think you should take out some of the "well-placed" photos on there. I don't want them to see what the bedroom looks like......"

Posted by

Brian Woodring

Keene Company Realtors

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Sally K. & David L. Hanson
EXP Realty 414-525-0563 - Brookfield, WI
WI Real Estate Agents - Luxury - Divorce

  In our market...and I suspect EVERY market...without enough eye candy all over the will find little traffic....and no sale...professional photography is one of the best investments a Realtor can make !

Mar 06, 2011 11:19 PM
Kim Delia
Remax Professional Associates - Charlton, MA
Realty Delia Group

Ha!  You are saying my every day complaints.... Something happened to common sense a while ago, I don't think it exists anymore.

Mar 07, 2011 12:05 AM
Roger Davidson
DiSalle Real Estate Co. - Maumee, OH
Maumee, Ohio Real Estate

Good post.  I know that some buyers (and even some agents) feel that if there is one or no photos then the lister is trying to hide something about the property.  Not sure if it is a lack of common sense or an abundance of laziness.



Mar 07, 2011 02:45 AM
Brian Woodring
Keene Company Realtors - Louisville, KY

Sally: I'm lucky, I have a wife that is fantastic at that.

Roger: That seems to be what i've been finding. If there aren't enough pictures then i'm not going to look. 

Mar 07, 2011 02:46 PM