If you could receive the following on your short sales:
- 6-9% commission
- Never have to fax or talk to the bank
- Receive a cash offer on your properties immediately
- Have the buyer pay the shortage on 2nd lien
- Have the buyer pay HOA Arrearages/Liens, other liens, and judgments
- Have the buyer pay promissory note requested by bank
...would you work with an investor or full service loss mitigation company that could provide you with such services?
Many agents that are part of our team wonder why more agents aren't working with investor or full service loss mitigation companies. I'd like to hear some feedback of agents of the board on the following:
-If you're working on short sales alone, why aren't you teamed up with an investor / full service loss mitigation company?
-If you are working with an investor/full service loss mit company, what is your experience?
-If you worked with an investor/full service loss mit company, why are you no longer working with them?