After a very long and exhausting day of work yesterday I decided to sleep in a bit this morning. Before leaving to head to the office I took a minute to pause and think of all the many things I am grateful for in my life. I have a favorite book of mine called "Mind Power into the 21st Century" by John Kehoe. If you haven't read it I HIGHLY suggest you read it. It is life changing.
(image taken from
Over the past few years I have learned a lot about the power of our minds and the law of attraction. Many believe in it, and many don't. I happen to believe in it whole heartedly.
As a result of this, anytime I am feeling down or overwhelmed in life, I take a minute to pause and shift my thinking. If I am constantly thinking negative thoughts about how I don't have enough time in a day or I can't do something right, it eventually becomes a reality.
So as I was trying to shift into a more positive energy this morning, one of the things I am grateful for is the fact that I live in Arizona. I am an Arizona native, born and raised here and there is no where else I would rather be. We get a lot of Canadians visiting from the cold, snowy weather. And even thought they hear about how nice it is here... it's not until they get here and it's 70-80 degrees and perfectly sunny every day, while back home there is a blizzard. Hard to imagine how it can be so drastically different.
Over the years I have had many winter visitors try to tell me that the winters are really only bad for 2 months or so but the summers in Arizona are about 4 months of solid heat. My response to them is always the same... At least you don't have to shovel sunshine! I mean come on... at least here I can run to my car and turn on the AC and then run into wherever I'm going, where there will also be AC. In the snow, you have to bundle up to get anywhere and unbundle when you get there and shovel the driveway to get out from where you are and de-ice the car anytime you need to drive. It alwyas creates a nice laugh for whoever I am talking to. And everytime this happens I begin to think again about how lucky am to be here.
I have my family, my friends, my amazing husband, and sunshine about 90% of the year. How can anyone possible have a down day in Arizona when almost everyday you look out the window and there is not a cloud in sight? Just a beautiful clear blue sky!
So today was a special day. As I was driving in to the office an hour later than normal, feeling relaxed and grateful, I passed one of my favorite sights in sunny Scottsdale Arizona. I office out a beautiful area called McCormick Ranch, known for the green grass, golf and palm trees. It is a huge destination for 2nd home buyers. This particular sight is one I am lucky enough to drive by every day on my way to work. And today I decided to pull over in middle of the road and take a picture to share with all my friends here on Active Rain. This picture to me encompasses all that is wonderful about Arizona. A sunny clear blue sky, water and green grass from the golf course, houses, palm trees, and the most amazing mountains.
Beautiful isn't it?! Now you see why I am the luckiest girl in the world! Have a fabulous day everyone!