Hi again and welcome to my page..
The recent devastation in Japan has had a great impact on all of us worldwide. I lived in Osaka for 8 years and experienced the last big one in '95. It took 8 months following that day to organize and head back home to Vancouver. My friends and the people I met during my life in Japan will stay with me forever in my heart.
Where I work there are several Japanese Realtors and I feel a connection to them more than they might know. If you have a few moments, don't forget to give to the Red Cross, or as my office mates have just informed me, try to organize something for the relief effort.
Are you prepared for an earthquake? I believe you can only prepare so much. Your food and water or special survival kit may not be accessible after a big quake. It's the people gathering together and helping each other that makes the biggest difference.
My heart goes out to all the people of Japan...