
Staging Benefits Rental Properties as well as Properties for Sale

Home Stager with Staging Works

Staging benefits rental properties just like it benefits for-sale properties. Bathroom

If your customer has decided to rent their property instead of selling, the same staging principles apply.  Renters, like buyers, can be swayed by the emotional connection that professionally staged properties elicit.    Whether renting or buying, the people looking at these properties are still customers, and they need to be sold.  The property, therefore, must show at its best.  It must show better than the competition.  It must be a property that will stand-out in customers' minds, or it will not sell or rent.  There is simply too much competition.  Staging, therefore, is absolutely essential.Teal Bathroom 

Properties must be updated and current;

its colors must be appealing, not detracting and above all it should look like a place that you would want to live in.  After Bathroom

If the place is vacant, it will not create interest.  If the carpets are stained, and the bedrooms are Staged Bedroompainted purple, or if there is an odor, it will not create interest.  If the current furniture is not hip or inviting, or if there is too much of it, it will not create interest.  

Staging can create immediate interest with both renters and buyers.  Professional staging can help property owners in preparing their most valuable asset to bring them some income.  It is not as easy as just putting out a for-rent sign. 

The place has got to be desireable. 

Staging can do just that. 

Oh and one last thing...  If your client's property was staged and did not sell as fast as they would like, and have now decided to rent it instead, advise them to keep the staging in place a little longer.  I know everyone is concerned with stopping that staging-rental-clock, but the initial staging investment has already been made and the property looks great.  Therefore, keep the sales-pitch going; keep the staging that is, while you are trying to rent.  Again, renters are customers, just like buyers.  And renters, just like buyers, need to be sold on a property before they will committ to it.  Sitting Area

For further information on staging or Staging Works' services, please contact Angela Rehm at 303-564-9478, or visti our website at  Staging Works is located in Castle Rock, Colorado and serves the entire Denver Metro Area and beyond. 

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Olympus Executive Realty Inc.
Olympus Executive Realty INC. - Orlando, FL
Home Of The Top Producers

I see your coming right along on ActiveRain, once you get the hang of a few blogs they all come naturally.

Well, best of luck to your new future with the RAIN, 

Apr 04, 2011 04:57 PM