
Desktop or Laptop?

Services for Real Estate Pros with Geek Girl PC, LLC

Desktop ComputerDesktop Computer 2

Ok, so when it is time for you to get a new computer, do you get a desktop or a laptop? Now for some, this may not even be a question. Some of you may absolutely have to have a laptop for various reasons, including space issues, traveling a lot, etc. But for some, having a desktop is still an option. I personally love sitting at my desktop typing out my blogs :) But of course being a good geek I also have my work laptop AND my MacBook so I could in fact write my blog sitting at Starbucks if I chose to. If you do have the option of one or the other, how do you decide? Well…ask yourself a couple of questions. Do you do a lot of audio or video editing? Or a lot of intense graphics work? Don’t get me wrong. You can buy some pretty high powered laptops these days that may handle these tasks for you very well. However, in general you are able to get a more powerful video or audio card in a desktop than you are in a laptop. You may also get a more powerful CPU and perhaps more memory potential in a desktop. Another thing to consider is that you can have at least two optical drives on a desktop whereas you will only have one on a laptop. This last issue would only be relevant for a small percentage of you. Again, if you aren’t going to be traveling with your machine or need it to be portable for other reasons, you have a choice to make. My rule of thumb is always get the most machine you can afford when you buy a new computer. Make your choice and then buy the most machine you can afford. Happy computing!

Geek Girl

Lenn Harley
Lenn Harley,, MD & VA Homes and Real Estate - Leesburg, VA
Real Estate Broker - Virginia & Maryland

I continue to work on a desktop because I have never becomed accustomed to the keyboard functionality (or lack thereof) of the laptop. 

I want a sturdy, powerful, fast and fast loading machine that delivers - now.

Also, when I leave my home office, I don't want a computer following me around.

Mar 16, 2011 12:00 AM
Wallace S. Gibson, CPM
Gibson Management Group, Ltd. - Charlottesville, VA

I have a special made desktop PC at my office * HUGE graphics cards and backup/shadow drive....I also have a laptop AND 3 laptops at home and an iPad that I travel with.....a computer is not the ONLY way to compute!

Mar 16, 2011 12:00 AM
Conrad Allen
Re/Max Professional Associates - Webster, MA
Webster, Ma, Realtor

Hi Karen - I prefer to work on a desktop.  I do have a laptop for travel.

Mar 16, 2011 12:06 AM
Cheryl Johnson
Highland Park, CA

I prefer using a desktop ... especially a souped-up model like Wallace described!  But laptop or netbook is an absolute necessity when on the road....

Mar 16, 2011 12:06 AM
Barbara Hensley
RE/MAX Properties - Rockwall, TX
Homes for Sale in Rockwall County, Texas

Karen, I would have to pick the desk top  PC if I could have only one.  I like the "work horse" strength of a desk top.  I love having my iPad with me.  I have a question for you - if you were buying a micro soft lap top, what would you buy to get the best thing for all uses (blogging, contracts, graphics, etc.?

Mar 16, 2011 12:07 AM
Karen Canfield
Geek Girl PC, LLC - Sarasota, FL

Awesome feedback everyone! I do really love my desktop and I agree with Lenn about the keyboard on a laptop!

Barbara, I am assuming you mean a Windows laptop? If so, my top choices would be Dell, HP or Toshiba, not in any particular order. You want a minimum of 4 GB of memory and as much hard drive as you can get...probably about 320 GB's. Also you will have to choose between an AMD or Intel chip. Either of these will serve you well. I have an AMD in my desktop and Intel in my laptop. For what you are looking for, expect to spend about $500-600. That should get you a very nice machine. Go to and read some of the reviews from users on particular machines. Hope this helps.

Mar 16, 2011 12:20 AM
Richard Iarossi
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage - Crofton, MD
Crofton MD Real Estate, Annapolis MD Real Estate

Hey Karen,

My desktop is my workhorse too. I've tricked it out with a larger power supply, graphics card, and a second monitor. The introduction of the graphics card accelerated screen paints tremendously. I do have a laptop and use it frequently, but the desktop is the one I can't do without.


Mar 16, 2011 12:22 AM
David Karp
Peachtree Realty Group, LLC - Woodstock, GA
Woodstock, Marietta GA Real Estate

Been using a laptop for a few years now and love the versatility.

Mar 16, 2011 12:42 AM
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX

HA laptop way to go.

Mar 16, 2011 02:54 AM
Elyse Berman, PA
LoKation Real Estate - Boca Raton, FL
Boca Raton FL (561) 716-7824

Hi Karen,  I have both a desktop and a laptop.  I only use my laptop when I'm on the road.  I much prefer my desktop.  I was a court reporter and a real typist and, as such, have never gotten used to the keyboard of a laptop.  It's clumsy and uncomfortable.

Mar 16, 2011 03:03 PM