
Who Is Your ISP?

Services for Real Estate Pros with Geek Girl PC, LLC

Today's blog is not so much a blog as it is a question...The question is, who is your ISP and what do you think of them? For instance, the two choices I have where I live are Verizon and Comcast. I have used both and quite frankly I wouldn't go back to Verizon if you paid me. Not necessarily because of their product but more because of their horrific customer service or lack thereof as the case may be. That is a big issue for me. When I call with a problem which is admittedly a rare occurrence because I usually solve my own problems, I want excellent customer service. Now I'm not saying that Comcast excels at customer service either although I did finally get one person who was able to straighten out a billing problem that none of the three people before him was able to fix. Also my actual product from Comcast is exceptional. There were some initial issues but those got worked out and now I am very happy with my high speed internet. I run a business from home and need to have a consistently working product, which for the most part Comcast has provided. So again, depending on where you live and what is available, who is your ISP and what is your opinion of them?

Geek Girl

Wallace S. Gibson, CPM
Gibson Management Group, Ltd. - Charlottesville, VA

CenturyLink * Embarq's successor * I've had dial-up AND HughesNet since I am in the country.....DSL in my office.  If home ISP goes down, I'll use my EVO mi-fi in a pinch!

Mar 18, 2011 12:05 AM
Tony Morganti
RE/MAX Crossroads in Cuyahoga Falls and Stow, Ohio - Cuyahoga Falls, OH
CRS, ABR, SRES - Cuyahoga Falls, Stow

We've got Time Warner here in Northeast Ohio.  Generally pretty good as long as you don't need too much in the way of support from them.

Mar 18, 2011 12:16 AM
Karen Canfield
Geek Girl PC, LLC - Sarasota, FL

Yes, I agree Wallace. When you are in the country your options are limited.

Tony, That is what I find as well. The product may be great but the service is horrendous.

Mar 18, 2011 12:19 AM
Carrie Trotter
National Property Inspections - Dayton, OH
Home Inspector

We use Time Warner. Last month we had a huge issue with email. It was very perculiar - we couldn't send certain emails - very intermittent - so hard to detect. I started with their online help where 3 different agents tried to troubleshoot. No success. Then I went to phone support where I went through 4 different agents. We did everything possible on our end up to completely reinstalling software, changing computer, etc. So we knew the issue had to be on their end. After a great amount of persistance (and nearly loosing my temper) they finally got us to 2nd line support. The group there was fantastic. Very responsive. All-in-all it took about 3 weeks.

I think the biggest thing with any customer service organization is to keep good notes and be persistant! Good luck in your search.

Mar 18, 2011 12:33 AM
Brenda Whitman, Live in Laramie Real Estate
Live in Laramie Real Estate, Laramie, Wyoming - Laramie, WY
Broker/Co-Owner, Laramie, Wyoming

We have had both Qwest and Bresnan (the name of Cable TV in our area).  Both were excellent and I can't say that one is any better than the other.  Same connectivity speeds, prices comparable, and service good with either.  Perhaps, we're just lucky!

Mar 18, 2011 10:11 AM