
To Rain or not to Rain..... That is the Question.....

Real Estate Agent with Keene Company Realtors

  So I've been thinking a lot lately about all the things I'm doing for my real estate business.  Kinda going over the money that I'm spending and seeing what works and what doesn't. I am a new agent so I haven't really gotten fully off the bench as I work full time to support my wife and I.  A viscious cycle we have here as the time I need to spend on real estate so that I can produce the income I need to quit the other job is more then I can currently give. So I was wondering why Active Rain?  And thought I would ask everyone here and get the best information from the source. 

  First I was thinking that maybe I will cancel until I can attend a raincamp so that I can fully understand everything behind what Rain does. The next one that is closest to me is in Chicago and that is quite a while away. So I tryed thinking of things to stay until then and am coming up a little dry. I love blogging and the amount of information in this site is tremendous but I don't have to be a rainmaker to utilize the info.

  So what I want to know from everyone is why do you make it rain? 

  What are the benefits you get from being a rainmaker?

  What's the difference between my blog that is already set up and the outside blog that ActiveRain will set up and why should I have both?

  Let's go with the brass tax here, no need to sugar coat it, because I will see through that. :)  After all I am in sells and have been for quite some time. Just give it to me straight!  Should we or shouldn't we make it Rain in Louisville? :)

Posted by

Brian Woodring

Keene Company Realtors

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Suzanne McLaughlin
Sabinske & Associates, Inc. (Albertville, St. Michael) - Saint Michael, MN
Sabinske & Associates, Realtor

Just look at the sidebar when you come here to log in.  Read the Active Rain success stories and you will find the brass tacks!  Good luck, and I am sure that there will be many more comments from AR believers. 

Mar 18, 2011 01:11 AM
Tom Arstingstall, General Contractor, Dry Rot, Water Damage Sacramento, El Dorado County - (916) 765-5366
Dry Rot and Water Damage Mobile - 916-765-5366 - Placerville, CA
General Contractor, Dry Rot and Water Damage

I like the post Brian, good solid questions regarding the need to "Rain". I'm also interested in seeing what the group has to say here.

Happy Friday to you!

Mar 18, 2011 01:15 AM
Martha Brown
Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc., Annapolis MD 21403 - Annapolis, MD
Your Homes Around Annapolis Agent

If your goal is to stay in real estate, which I think it is, then staying in the Rain is a must. Besides the learning and friendships taht are at your fingertips the ability to blog about your area, to become THE expert of Louisville, to be THE agent that when buyers and sellers Google Louisville see come up. Active Rain is THE way to be all that and more.   

Mar 18, 2011 01:15 AM
Wallace S. Gibson, CPM
Gibson Management Group, Ltd. - Charlottesville, VA

I, a lowly property manager, see the value of being a RainMaker * each time I get a call from a would-be client who has found me online and read my blog posts! 

Yes, ActiveRain, I get BUSINESS by blogging abour NASCAR

Mar 18, 2011 01:17 AM
Dan Edward Phillips
Dan Edward Phillips - Eureka, CA
Realtor and Broker/Owner

Good Morning Brian, there are many advantages to Active Rain.  Learning is one of the important ones.

Mar 18, 2011 01:26 AM
Karin Lundeen
Keller Williams Realty - Denver Southlands - Centennial, CO
Realtor Centennial Homes For Sale

Hi Brian, I'm also new, but I think you have to be a rainmaker to post a localism blog.  Your outside blog is what will use SEO and Google and get you leads & eventually business.  I'm only learning myself so good luck!

Mar 18, 2011 02:01 AM
Jim Courtney
OklaHomes Realty, Claremore Oklahoma - Claremore, OK

Welcome to the newbie boat Brian. I am on the two month $2 trial and am giving AR my all. I have committed to logging in, commenting daily, and posting twice a week. I only have a couple of public posts and haven't seen any googlejuice as of yet. However, I do show up at the top of the google page when I search the terms of my posts. I am hoping for some type of activitiy before my two months are up to justify paying for a year. Good luck on your AR journey!

Mar 18, 2011 03:08 AM
Melanie Serrato
Melanie Serrato, Rawlings Realty ~Corona, Norco, Eastvale Ca - Norco, CA
CA Realtor - Corona-Norco-Eastvale Homes

Hi Brian,

These days, a presence on the web is essential to building consistent business.  Buyers are searching for homes on the internet, reading reviews of agents (whether buying or selling), and searching for INFORMATION on the web.  By blogging, you can be the one to provide the information they need, specific to your local area, and in that way show yourself as the "local expert".  

I came to Active Rain originally because I don't know everything, and when I would search for information I needed to address clients' concerns, or just to fill in my knowledge in a certain area, Active Rain is where I always seemed to end up after my Google search on the topic.  I signed up as a Rainmaker once I decided to commit to blogging because I figured if I ended up here, consumers must as well!

Mar 18, 2011 05:55 AM
Donna Malone
Waterfront, Luxury, Family, Affordable, Cottage, Deals - Bridgewater, NS
Homes and Property for Sale Nova Scotia

I, too, am still trying to gain perspective on what AR is all about and how I can use it to my business advantage.

Mar 18, 2011 09:45 AM
Jon Cagle
Senior Loan Officer at US Bank Home Mortgage - Eugene, OR
Lane County Oregon - Direct FHA, VA, USDA Lender

Brian, I have only been on AR for 2.5 months and I have already had two past clients find me and contact me through this site! They had moved away and are coming back and want to buy homes here. I have also had one of my blogs go to number 6 on the first page of a Google search for home loans in my county. Take the classes and learn as much as you can and start using it. It really does work!!!

Keep in touch!!

Mar 19, 2011 08:30 AM
Brian Woodring
Keene Company Realtors - Louisville, KY

Suzanna - Thanks I have been keeping up with them. 

Tom - Hopefully this helps hehe

Martha - Thanks very much for the advice!

Wallace - Nascar? :D

Dan - I agree

Karin - Yea I think I just haven't put enough effort in at the moment. 

Jim - For the most part if you get your outside blog going the google stuff AR does will help alot.

Melanie - Yea I was dumfounded at the amount of information on here. 

Donna - Hope this helps

Jon - Glad to hear it.

Mar 19, 2011 07:32 PM
Doug Bullwinkel
E Mortgage Capital, Inc. NMLS 1416824 - Roseville, CA
Mortgage Loan Officer NMLS #281609

I'm on my two month trial membership too.  I think I'm getting as much out of this just by getting involved and doing something as what I get from others.  The other members are really the best group that I have found and everyone is so willing to share.  Everything from marketing tips and how to write blogs to website rankings and technology updates.  I'm sold but don't tell AR.  I'm still trying to figure out how to get another two months trial for $1. per month.

Mar 20, 2011 07:47 PM
Jason Waldo
INGROUP Associates - Lancaster, PA

Brian, personally I am planning something like you mentioned.  I am on the free version at this time and just trying to learn all I can in a few minutes each day.  Once I reach a certain level I plan to "go live" and become a rainmaker.  But I want to make it worthwhile once I get there.

Mar 21, 2011 02:15 AM
Military Homes Charleston
North Charleston, SC

It's as if you're reading my mind Brian.....I am also a newbie, and am trying to get my real estate career going, while still working full time at another job.  It is difficult, and I'm not able or willing to spend money on many things yet that aren't required.  Real Estate is expensive enough as it is!  Between the getting your license, mls fees, mls class, broker fees, ctar class and annual fees, etc...  :) 

I've enjoyed what I've seen so far on AR, but interested to see what all the buzz is about...and whether or not it makes sense to invest in becoming a Rain Maker...  Thanks for asking such a great question!

Mar 21, 2011 08:43 AM
Joy Daniels
Joy Daniels Real Estate Group, Ltd. - Harrisburg, PA

I am going to take some the Active Rain University classes that are offered and hope that they will not only enhance my knowledge but my business!

Mar 21, 2011 02:08 PM
Donna Malone
Waterfront, Luxury, Family, Affordable, Cottage, Deals - Bridgewater, NS
Homes and Property for Sale Nova Scotia

Doug, let me know if you figure out a way to extend the $1. promotion!

Mar 22, 2011 05:46 AM
Robert Schmalz
West Los Angeles Real Estate Group - Santa Monica, CA
Cal. Lic Broker

From one newbie to another I had the same question and spoke to my SEO guy who did research on the Rain and spent some time in the Rain b 4 I did. To put it simply Google looks at the Rain as an authoritative source on the Internet about Real Estate so they spend more time searching the Rain then someone they don't consider authoritative source. You being active in the rain and creating links back to your website will move you up in the search engine world.

Mar 23, 2011 02:47 PM