
"Sorry, your seat belt seems to be broken. What do you recommend I do?"

Services for Real Estate Pros with Real Estate Virtual Assistant

"Sorry, your seat belt seems to be broken. What do you recommend I do?" - Mitch Martin, Old School (2003)


Let me first say, this post is in response to Brett Reichel's post, "New School" or "Old School? Which should you embrace? First off, I have to give kudos to Brett. Your thoughts hit home for so many people, as is evidenced by the huge chain of comments. And for me, your post led me to revisit a dilemma I experience as a Virtual Assistant: How far should I lead my clients towards "New School"? Outside of their comfort zones? This is something I struggle with...


I especially loved Dave Halpern's comment, "Old school and new school are 2 sides of an echo chamber. They amplify each other." I follow your line of thinking, Dave. When both sides of that echo chamber are at full amplification, it is the most powerful voice possible, usually...


Tara Woods, Virtual Assistant


Honestly, everyone has their own style/methods that historically work best. Sometimes agents end up spinning their wheels on both ends of the spectrum. Some success in "Old School" methods here, some success in "New School" methods there... But as Brett's post articulated, our efforts nowadays must, usually, at least, acknowledge the existence of BOTH.



And though I may not have the breadth of experience in this industry as many of you reading this do, I do have some experience in how different agents work. And I have learned that we all continue to be unique individuals. I strive to make sure that my clients have the best "New School" technology & marketing at their disposal, without neglecting the "Old School" methods which have made them great money in the past.


I actually learned quite a bit from my husband, who works in a completely different industry. He sells pricing/inventory computer systems to car dealerships. Many of them rely on historical sales data, while others rely on current market trends and solutions. And guess what? That industry caters to specific, dealership-based needs, blending new technology with proven methods. In my opinion, agents should have the same tailored, need-based solutions.


Sometimes as a VA, I want to throw a client onto the monorail, and expose them to whatever "New School" methods I can. But that doesn't work for everyone. Sometimes, when you think someone's seat belt is "broken", you find it's not really "broken". At the end of the day, we all know what works best for our business. If 70% "Old School" / 30% "New School" works, then don't fix it if it isn't broken. If it is time to embrace "New School", then...


What do you recomend I do?


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Phil Leng
Retired - Kirkland, WA
Phil Leng - Retired

Hi Tara,

It is a little bit like training our very young children to be Olympic Gold Medal winners.

When the parents determination is matched by the little child's interest, passion, desire and committment, it is an exhilarating journey.

But if the parent wants, and the child does not want, the parent has to back off, otherwise the relationship will suffer.


Mar 19, 2011 12:57 AM
Tara Woods
Real Estate Virtual Assistant - Prescott, AZ
Virtual Assistant, Real Estate

Very well said Phil.

Mar 19, 2011 05:41 AM
Ann Allen Hoover
RE/MAX Advantage South - Hoover, AL
CDPE SRES ASP e-PRO Realtor - Homes for Sale - AL

Hi Tara, I wanted to drop by and say hello and welcome you!  I was just telling my husband how one of my associaties embraces the Old School methods of marketing and thinks everybody else should too.  To each his own.....I'm liking New School

Have a great weekend!

Mar 26, 2011 03:12 AM
Jerry Newman
Brown Realty, 210-789-4216, - San Antonio, TX
Texas REALTOR, San Antonio Military Relocation

Hi Tara...Good Morning and Welcome to Active Rain! Old School has a lot to offer, and we should learn from it, but Technology is rapidly replacing it. I tend to lean on New School.

Mar 26, 2011 03:26 AM
Patricia Kennedy
RLAH@properties - Washington, DC
Home in the Capital

Tara, it's important to be bi-lingual here.  One of my inspirations is a 70-something year old in my office.  She is a top agent who usually has the lastest tech thing going before I do!  But she is also extremely old school and gives wonderful advice to the younger agents in the office about the importance of picking up your shiny new smart phone to make telephone calls! 

Oh, and welcome to Active Rain!  I just subscribed.

Mar 26, 2011 03:46 AM
Lottie Kendall
Compass - San Francisco, CA
Helping make your real estate dreams a reality

Hi Tara - welcome to Active Rain. You seem to be a natural at blogging - good information, food for thought, with great 'curb appeal.'

Mar 26, 2011 08:35 AM
Tara Woods
Real Estate Virtual Assistant - Prescott, AZ
Virtual Assistant, Real Estate

Thanks for all of the welcomes and positive comments. It seems like we're all in favor of at least placing substantial emphasis on a "New School" approach. But I absolutely love what Patricia wrote about the agent in her office advising other agents to pick up thier shiny smartphones and use them for calls. (Welcome to you too Patricia!)

Lottie, I really appreciate what you wrote. Thank you.


Mar 26, 2011 10:46 AM
Patricia Kennedy
RLAH@properties - Washington, DC
Home in the Capital

This post is inlcluded in today's  Last Week's Favorites

Mar 27, 2011 03:12 AM
Virginia Gardner
Roy Wheeler Realty Co. - Charlottesville, VA
Realtor, Charlottesville, Serving Central Virginia

Thanks to Patricia Kennedy for leading me to your post.  It is so so true.  Honestly, I have always been attracted to "new".  However, NEW does not necessarily mean more clients.  In fact, sometimes I think I like investing my time in NEW because I'd rather do that than do what I know in my heart is going to bring in the clients, which is some of the OLD tried and true.  I have several wonderful friends in this business that NEW extends about as far as a new cell phone every couple of years.  And their busness is just fine and dandy.  Because they work the OLD. 

Mar 27, 2011 03:56 AM
Lee & Carol Barbour, REALTORS
Murphy and Hayesville, NC; Hiawassee, Blairsville, Blue Ridge GA - Murphy, NC
Mountain Living Team in Murphy NC and North GA

Welcome to ActiveRain Tara! As you can see from Lee & Pamela this is a great community to share and learn from as well as build your business. From reading your blog you definitely seem like you're off to a great start and going to be someone that dances in the rain here. Looking forward to seeing more!

Mar 27, 2011 11:41 AM