I know, I know…two blogs in a row that are not geeky. I am giving you all a break from the usual technology based blog that I write. So it's Monday morning once again and I am up at 4:40 am to get to the gym before I am off to work. That may seem like an atrocious hour of the morning to a lot of you but for me it has become a routine. I do it nearly every weekday morning with an occasional Friday exception. Then I try to get in at least a good long walk on Saturday and Sunday. Yes, fitness is an important aspect of my life. Healthy body, healthy mind. My workout schedule consists of at least 4-5 days of cardio and 2-3 days of weight training. As a woman, weight training is particularly important. A lot of women don’t know this or really understand why. One reason is that ts increases bone density which decreases the chance of osteoporosis. It also increases the metabolism much more than cardio alone, which helps in maintaining or losing weight. Keep this in mind next time you workout ladies! Yes, fitness and nutrition is another one of my passions. I’m a geek at heart but love my daily workout too. What do you do to maintain a healthy body?
North Hampton, NH
Realtor - Seacoast NH
That is quite a routine you have. Yikes...but I admire you for your dedication : ) Hope you have a great day.
Mar 21, 2011 12:43 AM
Geek Girl PC, LLC - Sarasota, FL
National Property Inspections - Dayton, OH
Home Inspector
I've been in a fitness funk lately. A few walks here and there and my squats while brushing my teeth at night and that has been about it. I need to get back into a routine. This funk seems to happen to me once or twice a year. It's time to get going again! Your post is an inspiration!
Mar 21, 2011 01:11 AM
Geek Girl PC, LLC - Sarasota, FL
Hi Carrie, Yes I know the "fitness funk" well. Been there for sure. I seem to be doing well with it lately though. Switching up my weight workout and getting outside to walk for cardio help a great deal. Good luck!!
Mar 21, 2011 01:22 AM