
America Battling Job Loss through Entrepreneurship

Real Estate Agent with Gulf Coast Real Estate

entrepreneur magazineIt would seem to me that the present economic base in Florida and around the country is creating the need for those without jobs to do some heavy thinking about how to sustain their current living status. None of us want to lose our homes, but the reality is that foreclosure signs are popping up on our neighbor’s property. What are we doing about it?

The trend indicates a Survivor Mechanism has kicked in and people are starting to build their own businesses based on their skills and resources learned through previous employment. There are currently all kinds of independent contractors providing their services on the internet. What does this mean for businesses in the future? I’ll tell you. It means those businesses out there that are refusing to hire people who’ve been fired or laid off due to the economy will be in the hole when things pick up.

What I mean is…Did you know that there are companies out there who advertise for employment but don’t want to talk to those people who have been laid off? Why? Because they feel if you are part of the team who was let go, then you are not the “cream of the crop.” And the Cream of the Crop is what they are after.

Therefore, Americans are fighting back. They're building their own businesses. They're becoming Realtors, landscapers, virtual assistants, cosmeticians, computer consultants and pet groomers. In any case, this is the new economy.

I expect Entrepreneurs and Small Start Up Companies will provide the new “cream of the crop” for 2011 and when the economy recovers, those companies who followed unfair business practices will suffer. Why? Because people will remember…

The new emerging entrepreneurs will provide more competition. They will emerge stronger and will undercut the larger businesses in pricing and provide much better customer service because they won't have all the overhead.

I am a firm believer in entrepreneurship, so I encourage those of you who are thinking about starting a business to get out there and do it. Don’t hesitate. Get a plan and go for it! Who might be the next person featured on the cover of Entrepreneur Magazine!

Photo credit: DPStyles


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