I love blogging about my short sale listings, my short sale experience and the things I learn form my short sale designations, certiifications and the many national short sale groups I collaberate with. I am propud of the success my clients have shared in getting out from under their mortages without the pain, stigma and credit damage of foreclosure.
Got a call the other day from my Sacramento Short Sale Center website; WereHereToHelp.org, from a short sale prospect in Folsom that had found my information on California short sale recourse law and the different government programs available to people who have either tried a loan modification and failed or did not want to do a loan modification.
She shared with me how she had found my site; she said she had actually come across it in three or four different searches on google; California Civil Code 580e, (which is the new California Short sale anti recourse law), a search on Folsom Certified Short Sale Expert, Sacramento Short Sale Agent and Sacramento Area Certified Short Sale Agent.
We had a long conversation, I answered all of her questions, many were about What Documents Are Required For A Short Sale? The Easy “Killer” Short Sale File... (so I took a minut to write a post about her questions)
I quickly sent her a link to a blog post showing my Short Sale Certifications And Real Estate Designations and set the apointment to sit down and do the paperwork to get her home on the market- The listing is now included in this search of All Folsom FORECLOSURES and pre-foreclosures For Sale.