Understanding FICO & Managing Credit - 3 Hours of Legal Issues Credit
I am teaming up with Sonoran Title to offer this continuing education class to any Realtor in the Phoenix area who needs some Legal Issues hours. The class will be held on Tuesday, April 5th from 9am to Noon. The location is in the conference room at Amerifirst Financial- 1910 S. Stapley Drive Suite # 209, Mesa AZ 85204. Seating is limited so please RSVP to Shane Sauer, Sonoran Title Services- 480-580-6823 shsauer@sonorantitle.com. If you have any questions send me an email or give me a call at 602-707-6002.
Nate Herd
Loan Officer
Amerifirst Financial, Inc.
4550 East Bell Road #163
Phoenix, AZ 85032
Office: 602-707-6002
Cell: 602-321-3090
Fax: 602-707-6032