In the past, I have taught so many business planning & tech classes. However, blogging, pod casting, and interactive video casting is very new to me.
For business planning, my goals have been redefined and the method of achieving them has had to change. But, my desire to excel at this business is so much greater than ever before.
Yes, some of the public looks at Realtor as annoying disturbance, but lets face it. They need us more than they realize. Those that I (we) choose to help, really appreciate and respect us. Those that argue how showings, price reductions, staging or what ever it takes to get it sold, are just not ready to sell. I am just cancelling those contracts and moving on. So, Define your business! Write it down and send it to me and I will share mine with you as well.
If your not a Realtor, but what help with your business planning. Maybe I can help