This is not quite Real Estate related, but something that I have finally decided to do after much though...
Let me start by saying that I have lost a LOT of people in my life to many different causes; car wrecks, multiple cancers, murder, Alzheimer's, and last year my Father very suddenly and unexpectedly from some heart condition. None of these I ever had an ounce of control over, everyone painful and devastating, and no way to stop them.
I have wanted to do SOMETHING for some time, not quite sure how or what... Something that had some meaning, something that could truly help someone else in need, something major, something to help save someone when otherwise they may not be. Maybe it's selfish in some way, it will, if I am chosen, give me a way to hopefully help save someones life. Someone who otherwise may not be saved. I can't in good conscience give a kidney, one day one of my children, mother, husband or other close family member could really need one, and if I was a match, I would love to help them. I can however donate my bone marrow.
I have entered my information into the "Be A Match" national database. My screening/matching kit should be in the mail any day. You receive a kit to swab the inside of your cheek, you send it back, they test and type you and enter you in their national data base. You do not of course know when or if ever you will be contacted. The procedure is painful for a week or two from what I have read up on, and it is a true commitment when/if the time comes... but this commitment could help a child or person with leukemia, just one of many many other diseases it could help someone overcome.
They ask that you notify your family and friends of your commitment, this is part of that process... that and maybe someone else out ther may just want to help out too. If you would like to read up on it, join the database, and/or donate to their fund raising please take a look at the link to their website below. I believe it is a really good thing, and maybe one day I will get the chance to do my part to help a fellow human being...