
Looking for a Career in Real Estate Richardson TX

Real Estate Agent with Hicor Realty Group 0429650

Looking for a Career in Real Estate in the Richardson Texas area?

Sellstate Metro Realty is now hiring agents as we continue to expand our growing real estate firm. We are centrally located off of 75 and Campbell Rd in Richardson. We are minutes away from the northern communities of Plano, Allen, McKinney & Frisco, and from the southern communities of Dallas, Garland, Wylie, Sachse and Mesquite.

Real Estate Agent graphic

We are looking for agents that are ready to increase their knowledge of today's changing market with our technology, training and productivity coaching programs. Our real estate agents will capture a larger portion of the market and put more of their hard earned commissions in their pocket!

Sellstate Metro Realty offers the most lucrative and beneficial compensation package in the area. A few of the benefits are:

  • 93/7 commission split
  • Low desk fees
  • Designer Business Cards
  • Agent Asset Development program
  • Technology training
  • Agent website
  • Name Badge
  • Productivity Coach

If you are serious about making a change for the better, we want to talk with you! Call us today and inquire about our free starter package.

Missy Barry

Real Estate Operations Manager


Sellstate Metro Realty logo 



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Letitia Stevenson
BHHS Fox & Roach | - Greenville, DE
Listing Agent DE/PA/MD, Digital Marketer & Coach


Welcome to the Rain! Active Rain is a great place to share your knowledge, expertise and thoughts, as well as network and learn so much from the vast pool of talent already onboard. If you would like to connect with me on ActiveRain, please subscribe to my blog!

Welcome Aboard and Much Success!

Apr 01, 2011 07:59 AM