I am working on a listing this week and the home owner has 5 dogs. I told her before I visited that pet odor might be a problem with 5 dogs, "in the house". She and I entered the house together and I immediately commented, pet odor. She said well I normanlly do not notice it but now that you mention it, I did smell it when we walked in. (This was after she told me she had cleaned every thing very carefull to eliminate odor. So now she wants to put room deoderizers in the house.)
Folks, you take a bath every day, the only possible way you will not have pet odor is to give you pet a bath daily as you do, then its not a sure thing.
I appreciate the fact that to some people, pets are part of the family and will not go away but it needs to be a serious decision to have pets in the house.
In general, pet oder will elimimante a lot of potentilal buyers right off and some even later. Remember the substituion effect, if a buyer finds two or more homes they like, and yours has pet odor, it will be one of the first scratched off the list.
You can argue, well maybe the buyer has pets and is accustomed to it. NOT, remember it is not thier pets and "thier pets do not smell that way" and after all, it is not thier pet odor, it is someone elses. Just like us people, we will quickly reject companionship of person who have strong body oder, maybe even if we have body odor but after all it is not our body odor.
Pet odor in a home will lower the value several thousand dollars, if you find a buyer, but the first thing a buyer will think about is the cost of cleaning and painting before it is thier house.
Pets are wonderful, but there is a price to pay.