
The New York Times is Mapping America

Real Estate Agent

The New York Times has posted two fascinating interactive articles recently, both of them Mapping America. 

The first one I came upon compared 2000 and 2010 census data by  zip code showing various social, economic and real estate issues.  I posted the article, Mapping America; Every City, Every Block, on the NAR group on Linked In and received such an enthusiastic response, I thought I'd share it here. 

For those of us in the real estate industry  what is really interesting about this map is the map showing Changes in Median House Prices from 2000 to 2010.  In the SW Florida market, where I live, where the media has been dramatizing the horror of the housing market, the statistics are surprisingly reassuring. Contrary to what the media has been touting, the median price of homes in my zipcode is up significantly from 2000....  (Of course the first thing I did was type in my won zipcode!)  

Almost Every Realtor in SW Florida will tell you of buyers who arrive here thinking they are coming to paradise to buy their dream home at bargain basement prices.  Well, finally, here's a credible tool to educate those  prospective buyers.   Naturally, before you put the link in your next EBlast,  check your market zipcode to be sure it will do what you want!

Then, when looking for the link to share with you, I found another fascinating interactive map, again from the NY Times.  In the Times' online Week in Review is Mapping the Nation's Well Being

"For the last three years, Gallup has called 1,000 randomly selected American adults each day and asked them about indicators of their quality of life. Responses are converted to the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index. Here are the 2010 results, sorted by Congressional districts"   NY TIMES

 Different information but also a real eye opener.  


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Ryan Frost
Compass Lending Solutions, LLC - Draper, UT

Cool info, but the maps say "Census Bureau's American Community Survey, based on samples from 2005 to 2009.' I definitely know that my community statistics are significantly different in March of 2011 than they were in 2009. Thanks for the link.

Mar 30, 2011 11:25 AM
Marge Draper
Keller Williams Realty Palo Alto - Menlo Park, CA
REALTOR, Keller Williams Realty, Menlo Park CA

This is so neat!  Thank you for this link.  I have posted it to my Facebook business page.

Mar 30, 2011 11:50 AM
Lloyd Binen
Certified Realty Services - Saratoga, CA
Silicon Valley Realtor since 1976; 408-373-4411


I agree, this is a great resource for real estate. It turns out that whites are a minority (43%) in my census tract and Asians are >50%.

I wonder how this squares with HUD Fair Housing regs which say race and ethnicity are not material considerations for Realtors to discuss.  I'm sure it's fine, I just like to stir it up.

Thanks. I clicked suggest because I think a lot of Realtors would find this a handy resource for buyer clients.  We can't and don't steer, of course, but home buyers may find this Census data interesting during their shopping for homes.


Mar 30, 2011 01:17 PM
Emily LeBow
Estero, FL
Broker Associate

Hi Ryan,

Thanks for your thoughts.  I sent you an email the other day because I didn't see this comment box and I am a newbie here.  But just to clarify for everyone else.  There is a subtitle on the page where the Change in Median House Price Map is displayed that says CHANGE IN MEDIAN HOME VALUE SINCE 2000.  As the census is only done every two years, I assume this means the change in median home values from 2000 to 2010.  Thanks for noticing and after reading you bio I've got to say you are right on about your attention to detail!  -Emily


Mar 31, 2011 12:46 AM
Emily LeBow
Estero, FL
Broker Associate

Hi Lloyd,

For some reason the link keeps defaulting to the racial ethnicity map, but if you click on the little drop down box (VIEW MORE MAPS) toward the upper right, next to the zipcode, there are three other map categories one of which is HOUSING and FAMILIES. Then Select the CHANGE IN MEDIAN HOME VALUE MAP and plug in your zipcode.  My blog was really refering to the CHANGE IN MEDIAN HOME VALUE MAP. 

All that said, it could be used as a tool for buyers seeking such information.  A good idea.  Thanks.



Mar 31, 2011 12:52 AM
Emily LeBow
Estero, FL
Broker Associate

Thank Margie... I plugged in 94301 for Palo Alto and was surprised at how much difference there was in adjacent communities.  Must make for a challengiing market!   -Emily

Mar 31, 2011 12:55 AM