The New York Times has posted two fascinating interactive articles recently, both of them Mapping America.
The first one I came upon compared 2000 and 2010 census data by zip code showing various social, economic and real estate issues. I posted the article, Mapping America; Every City, Every Block, on the NAR group on Linked In and received such an enthusiastic response, I thought I'd share it here.
For those of us in the real estate industry what is really interesting about this map is the map showing Changes in Median House Prices from 2000 to 2010. In the SW Florida market, where I live, where the media has been dramatizing the horror of the housing market, the statistics are surprisingly reassuring. Contrary to what the media has been touting, the median price of homes in my zipcode is up significantly from 2000.... (Of course the first thing I did was type in my won zipcode!)
Almost Every Realtor in SW Florida will tell you of buyers who arrive here thinking they are coming to paradise to buy their dream home at bargain basement prices. Well, finally, here's a credible tool to educate those prospective buyers. Naturally, before you put the link in your next EBlast, check your market zipcode to be sure it will do what you want!
Then, when looking for the link to share with you, I found another fascinating interactive map, again from the NY Times. In the Times' online Week in Review is Mapping the Nation's Well Being.
"For the last three years, Gallup has called 1,000 randomly selected American adults each day and asked them about indicators of their quality of life. Responses are converted to the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index. Here are the 2010 results, sorted by Congressional districts" NY TIMES
Different information but also a real eye opener.