
Eeeeeee Gad! Staged, Really?

Home Stager with Staged Homes of Lubbock

That is what I thought when a Realtor placed his interior pictures of his listing on the Internet! I'm not only a Stager I am also a Realtor so I am used to this sub-par acceptance, but this was just down right bad!

This is a beautiful home on the outside, but once inside the furniture left to "stage" the home was shocking! It looked like the sellers left in a hurry to get away from the furniture!

Proper Staging creates a warm and welcoming environment for potential buyers. This poor attempt at Staging was, I am sure, to save money, but its negative effect is not creating a mass market appeal, but a mass exodus! Not to mention giving Staging a bad reputation.

Proper Staging cost less than you think and is more effective than you can imagine!

Posted by

Joyce Dahlbeck, Accredited Staging Professional Master

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Ryan Gale
Long and Foster Realtors - Rockville, MD

I am still laughing, I have seen some "remarkable" staged homes.  Whenever I see one, my clients and I always look at each other and question how in the name of light they stay in businees with a finished product like that.

Mar 31, 2011 03:00 AM
Paul Stokes & Dean Rooke | Solana Beach, Del Mar & Cardiff Real Estate
Harcourts JADE Properties - Solana Beach, CA

Joyce, so true. And Ryan, I too wonder how one can afford to stage it to the hilt. Must be expensive. By the way, I watched "Hoarders" last night, so now most homes look pretty good :)

Mar 31, 2011 03:04 AM
Marcy Steiner
Pittsburgh, PA

This post would be better if you included pictures of this interior

Mar 31, 2011 03:11 AM
Don MacLean
New England Real Estate Center Inc. - Easton, MA
Realtor-Homes for Sale- Easton, Mass 02356

No picture but the point is dead on.

Professional stagers are just that. They have the eye and the knack to make the smallest room look large and inviting and the largest look cozy. It's a talent

Enjoy the day

Mar 31, 2011 03:40 AM